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I Know My First Name Is Steven

I Know My First Name Is Steven

Air Date Rating Share Against the
Monday, May 22, 1989 21.6 35 N/A
Tuesday, May 23, 1989 27.3 42 N/A
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day)
  • Season: 1988-89
  • Network: NBC
  • Genre: Drama
  • Category: Miniseries
  • Subject Matter: Family Drama, True Crime, Children/Teens, Rape/Molestation, Social Issue

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Legal Full Movie
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(That We Know Of)

Plot Synopsis

The true story of seven year old Steven Stayner who was kidnapped by Kenneth Parnell, a child abuser, and held captive for seven years. After escaping and returning to his family, he struggles to readjust.


Production Company:

  • Andrew Adelson Co. IAW Lorimar TV

Production Type:

  • Independent
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