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Buckhead Shore

Episode List: Buckhead Shore

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Date Episode # Title Network Rating Share  (↓) Viewers Watch/Purchase
06/23/2022 01-001  Lakehouse, Here We Come!  MTV       
08/25/2022   Reunion (Part 1)  MTV       
08/18/2022   There's Ripples in Love, There's Ripples in Life  MTV       
08/11/2022   I Thought We Were Brothers  MTV       
08/04/2022   You're Going to Be Happy Now  MTV       
07/28/2022   I Miss You Even When I'm With You  MTV       
07/21/2022   Worst Game Ever  MTV       
07/14/2022   When They Go Low, You Go to Hell  MTV       
07/07/2022   You Kissed Chelsea??  MTV       
06/30/2022   I Was Waiting for Wine to Get Thrown  MTV       
06/23/2022   You Got Caught  MTV       
09/01/2022   Reunion (Part 2)  MTV