8:00 pm |
8:30 pm |
9:00 pm |
9:30 pm |
10:00 pm |
10:30 pm |
 ABC |
Aaron and Helene Tell All
- Rating: 8.9
- Share: 13
- Viewers: 13.5
Hot Zone 2: Southeast
- Rating: 6.9
- Share: 10
- Viewers: 10.4
Episode 02
- Rating: 5.2
- Share: 8
- Viewers: 7.8
 CBS |
- Rating: 11.4
- Share: 17
- Viewers: 20.3
Lucky Strike
- Rating: 17
- Share: 25
- Viewers: 28
There Goes the Bride
- Rating: 11.6
- Share: 18
- Viewers: 17.8
 Fox |
Michael Jackson Interview: Rebuttal
- Rating: 9.1
- Share: 13
- Viewers: 14.2
 NBC |
The One with the Boob Job
- Rating: 12.8
- Share: 19
- Viewers: 19.5
The One with Ross's Inappropriate Song (Repeat)
- Rating: 11.8
- Share: 17
- Viewers: 18.1
Fagmalion (Part 3 of 4): Bye Bye Beardy
- Rating: 10.5
- Share: 15
- Viewers: 16.4
My Karma
- Rating: 8.6
- Share: 12
- Viewers: 13.4
A Thousand Cranes
- Rating: 14.4
- Share: 23
- Viewers: 22.4
Pax |
Cosmic Alignment
Without Warning (2002) (Repeat)
 UPN |
Indianapolis, in (taped 2/18/03)
- Rating: 3.4
- Share: 5
- Viewers: 5.4
 WB |
Episode 06 (former classmates say goodbye) (Repeat)
- Rating: 1.1
- Share: 2
- Viewers: 1.5
The Wedding/Good-Bye
- Rating: 1.4
- Share: 2
- Viewers: 3
- Rating: 1.4
- Share: 2
- Viewers: 2