8:00 pm |
8:30 pm |
9:00 pm |
9:30 pm |
10:00 pm |
10:30 pm |
 ABC |
Stochastic Variable
- Rating: 3.8
- Share: 6
- Viewers: 5.7
(woman is afraid to smile; widower hopes to find new mate)
- Rating: 5.4
- Share: 8
- Viewers: 7.8
(investigation Into the death of an American exchange student in korea)
- Rating: 5.6
- Share: 9
- Viewers: 7.8
 CBS |
No Mas (Repeat)
- Rating: 7.1
- Share: 11
- Viewers: 10.7
Feeling the Heat (Repeat)
- Rating: 13.2
- Share: 20
- Viewers: 20.7
Prodigy (Repeat)
- Rating: 9.5
- Share: 16
- Viewers: 14.8
 Fox |
- Rating: 3.6
- Share: 6
- Viewers: 5.3
- Rating: 3.7
- Share: 6
- Viewers: 5.9
 NBC |
The One with Ross's Grant (Repeat)
- Rating: 13.4
- Share: 21
- Viewers: 20.8
The One with the Late Thanksgiving (Repeat)
- Rating: 13.1
- Share: 20
- Viewers: 20.7
A Gay/December Romance
- Rating: 10.4
- Share: 16
- Viewers: 15.7
My Rule of Thumb
- Rating: 7.7
- Share: 12
- Viewers: 11.4
Dear Abby (Repeat)
- Rating: 8.3
- Share: 14
- Viewers: 11.4
Pax |
(talking 3-month old; disastrous do-it-yourself projects; baseball fever; rodeo mishaps)
(amateur basketball plays; baby talk; performing with yo-yos)
Pinch Hitters
Delusions of Murder (Repeat)
 UPN |
Minneapolis, MN (taped 1/20/2004)
- Rating: 3.6
- Share: 5
- Viewers: 5.3
 WB |
(man runs Into a brickwall; woman hangs from her hair; contortionist)
- Rating: 3
- Share: 5
- Viewers: 4.5
Home Movie
- Rating: 2.2
- Share: 3
- Viewers: 3.3
Mel's Diner (Repeat)
- Rating: 1.9
- Share: 3
- Viewers: 2.6