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The Big Door Prize

The Big Door Prize

  • Premiered: 
    March 29, 2023
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Apple TV+
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Comedy (Sitcom)
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
    Based on the 2020 book (The Big Door Prize) by M.O. Walsh 
  • Subject Matter:
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    Season 1
    Season 2

Plot Synopsis

Based on M.O. Walsh's 2020 book of the same name, THE BIG DOOR PRIZE is a half-hour comedy series that tells the story of a small town that is forever changed when a mysterious machine appears in the general store, promising to reveal each resident's true life potential. Dusty Hubbard, a seemingly content, cheerful family man and high school teacher, watches everyone around him reevaluate their life choices and ambitions -- based on the machine's printouts -- and is forced to question whether he is truly as happy as he once thought. While he remains skeptical of the machine, his wife, Cass, indulges in the dream that there's something bigger out there for her. Like many of Deerfield's residents, the couple has lived a relatively safe, uncomplicated life, until the arrival of the Morpho machine. However, all of that is about to change when the community is forced to reconcile with their unfulfilled achievements in pursuit of a better future. THE BIG DOOR PRIZE debuted on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 on Apple TV+, as the streaming service released the first three episodes. A new installment dropped each Wednesday through May 17.

THE BIG DOOR PRIZE returned for its second season on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 on Apple TV+, which released the first three installments of the 10-episode new season. One new episode drops every Wednesday through June 12, 2024. As everyone's potentials are exchanged for visions, new relationships form and new questions are asked. Dusty and Cass decide to take time apart while Trina and Jacob learn that they can shed their old labels. Giorgio and Izzy each find romance while Hana and Father Reuben attempt to discover the purpose of the machine. The small town is once again left questioning what they thought they knew about their lives, relationships, potentials and about the Morpho itself. Season 2 features new and returning guest stars including Justine Lupe, Aaron Roman Weiner, Mary Holland, Patrick Kerr, Cocoa Brown, Carrie Barrett, Elizabeth Hunter, Jim Meskimen, Matt Dellapina and Melissa Ponzio.
On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, Apple TV+ released "Deercoming," the Season 2 finale of THE BIG DOOR PRIZE. With the parade underway, Dusty searches for the Guide. Hana and Father Reuben make a surprising discovery.


Production & Distribution

  • Produced by Skydance Television
  • Produced by CJ ENM/Studio Dragon


  • - Deerfield USA