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The Cleaning Lady

The Cleaning Lady

  • Premiered: 
    January 3, 2022
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Fox
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Drama
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
    Based on the 2017 Argentine TV series (La Chica Que Limpia) by Lucas Combina 
  • Subject Matter: Gang/Mafia/Mob
  • Tags:

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Plot Synopsis

Based on a 2017 Argentine TV series, THE CLEANING LADY centers on Cambodian doctor Thony De La Rosa, who comes to America for a medical treatment to save her ailing five-year-old son. However, when the system fails and pushes her into hiding, she refuses to be beaten down and marginalized. Instead, she becomes a cleaning lady for organized crime in Las Vegas. Thony attempts to sever ties with the crime syndicate when the FBI comes asking questions. But when her son's health declines, she crosses a moral line, getting deeper involved with the syndicate. And she must use her cunning and intelligence to forge her own path in the criminal underworld -- all to save her son, and possibly herself.

The sophomore season of THE CLEANING LADY premieres on Monday, September 19, 2022 at 9pm ET/PT on FOX. Season 2 picks up with Thony desperately trying to find her son, Luca, after he was kidnapped by his father, Marco. With nowhere else to turn, she enlists the help of FBI Agent Garrett Miller to track him down before they leave the country. Meanwhile, an incident involving Chris forces Fiona to shield her son by any means necessary, furthering the theme of how far a mother will go to protect her child. This season of THE CLEANING LADY continues to examine the plight of undocumented immigrants and their difficulties accessing necessary healthcare and resources. Galvanized by the many roadblocks she faced while searching for a treatment to save her son, Thony will utilize her expertise as a doctor to find ways to help her underserved community. However, as Thony continues to entwine her business undertakings with Arman, she once again crosses the moral line into the dark underbelly of Las Vegas. Naveen Andrews joins the cast as Robert Kamdar, Nadia's gregarious and charming ex-lover, who is intent on driving a wedge between Arman and Nadia. Standing to lose everything, Arman has to fight to keep his world -- and his dignity -- intact, while determined to rebuild his life under the worst of circumstances. Guest stars this season include Chelsea Frei and Liza Weil.

Season 3 of THE CLEANING LADY premiered on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 8pm ET/PT on FOX. In the season opener, "Arman," Arman mysteriously disappears, so Thony and Nadia begrudgingly team up to look for him. Meanwhile, Fiona tries to manage the aftermath of her deportation to the Philippines and reconnects with an old flame.
On Tuesday, May 21, 2024 from 8-10pm ET/PT, FOX premiered the two-episode Season 3 finale of THE CLEANING LADY. In the season ender, "Fight or Flight; House of Cards," as Ramona continues her attempts to recruit Thony into her business, Thony and Fiona work with the FBI to help Nadia. Meanwhile, the FBI starts organizing a plan to take down Ramona inside her own event. Then, Russo receives a terrifying warning from Sin Cara and Jorge gets news that could alter his alliances. Guest Cast: Liza Weil as ASAC Russo; Brandon Jay McLaren as Jeremy Dolan; Jason Olazabal as Eduardo; Jacqueline Obradors as Teresa; Ryan Sands as JD; Jenelle Baptiste as Samentha; JB Tadena as Taolo; Esmeralda Camargo as Camila; Natasha Elias as Gizelle; Bradley Snedeker as AJ Hynes; RaShayla Daniels as Receptionist; Emmanuel Aldrete as Supervisor; Olivia Frida Filomena as Violeta; Scott Bailey as Mats Litecky; Noraly Cazares as Worker; Sergiu Iva as Atticus; Jaret Sacrey as Corey Davis; Bradley Snedeker as AJ Hynes; Maddi Lucas as FBI Waitress; Michael Gilmore as George Kowalski; Aaron Black as Sergeant Wayne Tolen.

THE CLEANING LADY has been renewed for a 12-episode fourth season.


Production & Distribution

  • Produced by Warner Bros. Television
  • Produced by FOX Entertainment


  • - Las Vegas, Nevada USA

Births, Deaths & Weddings

  • December 12, 2022: Garrett Miller dies
  • December 12, 2022: Robert Kamdar dies