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The Squad: Prison Police

The Squad: Prison Police

Photo Credit:  Jeremy Cowart/A&E Network
  • Premiered: 
    August 5, 2010
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: A&E
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Reality
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
  • Subject Matter: Police
  • Tags: prison

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Plot Synopsis

A team of special agents responds to and investigates every major crime in the Tennessee Prison system, a maximum security facility, where The Squad is the police force and CSI all combined into one unit. Unlike other prison investigative units, The Squad has full police powers, enabling them to work these major criminal cases by themselves all the way to conviction. Each episode follows an investigation from beginning to end as the agents navigate the ambiguous world of prison, trying to find the truth where most of the witnesses are convicted criminals. Stories in season one include: life-threatening stab wounds during a melee on the exercise yard; altercations within cell blocks; a drug smuggling operation potentially linked to the Crips; extortion plots; a death threat to the warden; and the hunt for an escaped inmate. The members of The Squad are: Deputy Director Jerry Lester, who, as the leader of The Squad, specializes in interrogation and public relations; Special Agent in Charge Jason Woodall is an expert interrogator who develops a theme during his interrogations in order to grasp the truth any way he can; Special Agent John Fisher, a former tank gunner from the first Gulf war, is particularly talented at undercover operations; Sergeant Nicky Jordan uses his expertise in taking on gangs, earning him the reputation as "the most hated man within the prison system"; Sergeant Valerie Hampton is known as "Snoop Dogg" for her uncanny ability to ferret out drugs and other contraband; Special Agent Joe England was recruited out of a local sheriffs department's violent crimes unit; Special Agent Donna Clark is The Squad's forensic evidence specialist; Special Agent Scott Miller specializes in cryptology, spy devices and forensic detective work; Special Agent Richard Metcalfe is responsible for surveillance; and Special Agent Mike Allison is an expert in criminal intelligence.

Production & Distribution

  • Produced by Wild Eyes Productions