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Swamp People: Serpent Invasion

Swamp People: Serpent Invasion

  • Premiered: 
    March 12, 2020
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: History
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Reality
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
    Spinoff of Swamp People 
  • Subject Matter: Adventure
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Plot Synopsis

With alligator season over, this spinoff of SWAMP PEOPLE follows Louisiana's best hunters -- Troy Landry, his sharpshooting son Chase, legendary gator hunter Bruce Mitchell, and big fish wrangler Zak Catchem -- as they join forces with professional snake hunter Bill Booth to capture Burmese pythons that are decimating the Florida Everglades. The snakes are wiping out entire species of animals. Aggressive, ravenous and incredibly fast-breeding, these pythons have no natural predator to stop them... except man. To combat these serpents, the state created the Python Elimination Program. In this series, SWAMP PEOPLE: SERPENT INVASION, the men dive deep into the underbelly of the Everglades to capture these sinister beasts. In a primordial battle between man and snake, the swampers are determined to protect the community, native species and environment at all costs.

The sophomore season of SWAMP PEOPLE: SERPENT INVASION debuted on Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 9pm ET/PT on History Channel. The Cajun Navy returns to Florida to help battle the incredibly dangerous and invasive species of Burmese pythons destroying the Everglades. Last year was just the start of a very successful hunt and capture of these aggressive creatures, but now, the pythons are breeding at unprecedented rates. This year, the five hunters divide and conquer -- splitting into two teams to cover more ground, and travel farther than ever before. They'll use different transportation methods and tools as their mission takes them into dark, dangerous, and mysterious areas of the swamp, where man has never stepped foot, and the snakes breed unchecked. This is a war to take back the Everglades! In the two-hour season opener, "Skunk Ape Alley," The Cajun Navy is back to fight the war against pythons invading the Everglades. King of the Swamp Troy Landry, along with his son Chase and snake expert Bill Booth, track serpents into a breeding ground known as Deer Haven. Meanwhile, veteran swamper Bruce Mitchell and invasive species hunter, Zak Catchem, take on the legendary Skunk Ape Alley, an area known for strange encounters and massive pythons.

Season 3 of SWAMP PEOPLE: SERPENT INVASION debuted on Thursday, January 5, 2023 at 9:30pm ET/PT on History Channel. The new season features new blood. "King of the Swamp" Troy Landry teaches long time alligator hunting partner Pickle Wheat the ins and outs of python hunting, but sometimes even the most experienced hunters walk away with scars. Meanwhile, veteran snake hunter Bill Booth and Florida hunter Tes Lee must learn to work as a team if they hope to put a dent in the growing python population. Zak and newcomer Aaron hunt pythons in an ancient canal system and almost get in over their heads. Dusty Crum finds the fight for the Everglades knocking at his front door.

The fourth season of SWAMP PEOPLE: SERPENT INVASION debuted on Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 9:35pm ET/PT on History Channel. In the season opener, "Enemy Transformed," hunters return to the Everglades to find the enemy transformed. Giant female pythons have learned to hide from their pursuers, allowing them to breed faster than ever. Now the swampers must dive deep into their secret lairs and remove the beasts before the glades are lost forever.
On Thursday, May 30, 2024 from 9-11pm ET/PT, History Channel premiered back-to-back episodes to close out the fourth season of SWAMP PEOPLE: SERPENT INVASION:

"Training Day" (9pm): Troy and Tes discover a new hot spot. Zak and Aaron encounter unexpected company. Ashley and Kaylyn hunt the notorious Camel Hump. Dusty trains the next generation of hunting dog.

"Full Speed Ahead" (10pm): In the final hours of python season, hunters launch a full assault to win the battle against the vicious invaders. With the clock ticking to save the Everglades, teams race back to old honey holes to track down the most elusive beasts, while Dusty bids farewell to his longtime partner.


Production & Distribution

  • Produced by Truly Original


  • - Florida USA