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Sweet Tooth

Sweet Tooth

  • Premiered: 
    June 4, 2021
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Netflix
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Drama
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
    Based on the graphic novels (Sweet Tooth) by Jeff Lemire 
  • Subject Matter: Science Fiction
  • Tags:

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    Season 3

Plot Synopsis

Based on Jeff Lemire's comic book series, SWEET TOOTH is a live-action drama series that follows a sheltered hybrid deer-boy named Gus, who unexpectedly befriends a wandering loner named Jepperd. Ten years ago The Great Crumble wreaked havoc on the world and led to the mysterious emergence of hybrids -- babies born part human, part animal. Unsure if hybrids are the cause or result of the virus, many humans fear and hunt them. After a decade of living safely in his secluded forest home, Gus leaves to explore the world around him. After finding Jepperd, the duo embark on an extraordinary adventure across what's left of America in search of answers -- about Gus' origins, Jepperd's past, and the true meaning of home. But their story is full of unexpected allies and enemies, and Gus quickly learns the lush, dangerous world outside the forest is more complex than he ever could have imagined. The entire eight-episode first season of SWEET TOOTH dropped on Netflix on Friday, June 4, 2021.

On Thursday, April 27, 2023, Netflix released the entire eight-episode season of SWEET TOOTH. As a deadly new wave of the Sick bears down, Gus and a band of fellow hybrids are held prisoner by General Abbot and the Last Men. Looking to consolidate power by finding a cure, Abbot uses the children as fodder for the experiments of captive Dr. Aditya Singh, who's racing to save his infected wife Rani. To protect his friends, Gus agrees to help Dr. Singh, beginning a dark journey into his origins and his mother Birdie's role in the events leading up to The Great Crumble. Outside the Preserve, Tommy Jepperd and Aimee Eden team up to break the hybrids free, a partnership that will be tested as Jepperd's secrets come to light. As the revelations of the past threaten the possibility of redemption in the present, Gus and his found family find themselves on a collision course with Abbot and the evil forces that look to wipe them out once and for all.
The eight-episode third and final season of SWEET TOOTH dropped on Thursday, June 6, 2024 on Netflix. In this final chapter, Gus and his friends embark on a harrowing journey in hopes of curing the Sick -- and finally discovering the truth about hybrids. Having defeated General Abbot in the battle at Pubba's Cabin, Gus, Jepperd, Becky, and Wendy embark on a journey to Alaska in search of Gus's mother, Birdie, who has been working to uncover the mysterious origins of the deadly Sick. Along the way, they are joined by Dr. Singh, who may have his own dangerous beliefs about Gus and his role in reversing the virus. Meanwhile, a new threat emerges in the form of Helen Zhang, her daughter Rosie, and the ferocious Wolf Boys, who seek to restart human birth and view Gus as the solution to their plans. As they navigate through perilous terrain, Gus and his group of friends find refuge at the Outpost in Alaska, where they meet a new ensemble of characters including Siana and her hybrid daughter Nuka. With the clock to find answers running out, alliances are tested and destinies intertwine, all leading to a thrilling climax that will determine the fate of humanity and hybrids.
