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The Edge of Night

Awards: The Edge of Night

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Award Year  (↑) Category Nominee / Winner Person
Emmy Award  1973  Outstanding Daytime Drama  Winner   
Daytime Emmy Awards  1974  Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series  Winner  Henry Slesar 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1974  Outstanding Musical Direction  Nominee  Paul Taubman 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1974  Outstanding Makeup  Nominee  Andrew Eger 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1974  Outstanding Technical Direction and Electronic Camerwork  Nominee  Harold Schutzman; Hal Weldon; William Unkel; Robert Toerper 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1976  Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series: Single Episode or Entire Series  Nominee  Henry Slesar 
Writers Guild Award  1977  Best Writing in a Daytime Serial for Television  Nominee  Henry Slezar 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1977  Outstanding Individual Director for a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee  John Sedwich 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1977  Outstanding Drama Series  Nominee   
Soapy Awards  1977  Favorite Hero  Winner  Donald May 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1978  Outstanding Individual Achievement in Daytime Programming  Nominee  Doreen Ackerman (costume design) 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1978  Outstanding Individual Achievement in Daytime Programming  Nominee  Andrew Eger, Irene B. Hamalain (makeup) 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1979  Outstanding Direction for a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee  John Sedwick; Richard Pepperman 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1979  Outstanding Achievement in Technical Direction for a Daytime Drama Series  Winner   
Daytime Emmy Awards  1979  Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series  Nominee  Joel Crothers 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1979  Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series  Nominee  Mandel Kramer 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1979  Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series  Nominee  Lois Kibbee 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1980  Outstanding Writing for a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee  Henry Slesar; Steve Lehrman 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1980  Outstanding Direction for a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee  John Sedwick; Richard Pepperman 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1980  Outstanding Achievement in Technical Direction for a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee   
Daytime Emmy Awards  1980  Outstanding Lead Actress in a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee  Kim Hunter 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1980  Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee  Vasili Bogazianos 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1980  Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee  Lois Kibbee 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1981  Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee  Lois Kibbee 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1982  Outstanding Writing in a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee  Henry Slesar; Lois Kibbee. 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1982  Outstanding Direction in a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee  Richard Pepperman; John Sedwick. 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1982  Outstanding Lead Actress in a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee  Ann Flood 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1982  Outstanding Lead Actress in a Daytime Drama Series  Nominee  Sharon Gabet 
Writers Guild Award  1983  Best Writing in a Daytime Serial for Television  Nominee  Henry Slesar 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1984  Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series  Nominee  Joel Crothers 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1984  Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series  Nominee  Larkin Malloy 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1984  Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series  Nominee  Ann Flood 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1984  Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series  Nominee  Sharon Gabet 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1984  Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series  Nominee  Lois Kibbee 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1984  Outstanding Individual Achievement in Any Area of Creative Tech Crafts, Tech Direction/Electronic Camera  Winner  William J. Millard III 
Daytime Emmy Awards  1985  Outstanding Music Direction/Composition  Winner