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Top 10 Super Reasons Why We Loved Watching the SMALLVILLE Pilot

Kayla Grosse - April 7, 2011


In honor of SMALLVILLE returning with all new episodes on April 15th, The CW is re-airing the pilot episode this Friday, April 8th at 8pm ET/PT. For those of us who tuned in back on October 16th, 2001 to see a farm boy from Kansas before his days as Superman, we could never have imagined he would come this far or that the show would be on the air for an entire decade.

Taking a look back, here are ten super reasons why the pilot kept us watching for 10 years. And if you’ve never watched a single chapter of SMALLVILLE in your life, these are ten reasons to watch the first episode:

If you want to buy the DVDs, you can get them here: Season 1; Season 2; Season 3; Season 4; Season 5; Season 6; Season 7; Season 8; Season 9.


1. Clark Kent

Photo: The WB / David Gray
Whenever Superman is being cast, comic-book fans around the globe gasp in horror at the thought of a less-than-perfect specimen playing their favorite American hero. But Tom Welling was the perfect choice to play the awkward, pre-tights wearing-cape-flying Clark Kent. His baby blue eyes had girls swooning and his Superman-esque look had nerds rejoicing. Not to mention, the way he plays Clark with a boy-next-door charm was more than enough to get us all hooked.

2. Lex Luthor

Photo: The WB / David Gray
I know, I know it’s a show about Clark Kent, but from this first episode of SMALLVILLE, Michael Rosenbaum’s portrayal of Lex Luthor really challenged who we all knew Lex Luthor to be. Seeing this iconic bald villain on screen -- in a younger, much less maniacal form -- made us all giddy with joy and anticipation. From the moment Lex says, "We have a future together, Clark, and I don't want anything to stand in the way of our friendship," this epic relationship between Clark Kent and Lex Luthor began re-writing comic-book history.

3. Chloe Sullivan

Photo: The WB / David Gray
An original character that was created specifically for SMALLVILLE, Chloe represented the everyday girl and ended up stealing the hearts of millions. Audiences young and old fell in love with Clark Kent's snarky best friend, who had a passion for coffee, the truth and getting into trouble. Now ten years later, Chloe is still a fan favorite and has helped make SMALLVILLE the show it is today.

4. Lionel Luthor

Photo: The WB / David Gray
The wicked father of Lex Luthor became much more than just a supporting character, as actor John Glover stole every scene he was in. Between Lionel’s fascination with Clark Kent and his intense hatred for his son, we are absolutely enthralled by this evil villain -- even ten years later. His character also helped us get a peek into why Lex Luthor became the deranged person he is.

5. Jonathan and Martha Kent

Photo: The WB / Doane Gregory
Jonathan and Martha Kent have always been part of the Superman comics, TV shows and movies; however, here they play an important role in shaping Clark into who he was meant to be -- by helping him forge his own destiny. The love these parents have for their son goes beyond words, and the relationship is played beautifully by John Schneider and Annette O’Toole. Every child wishes they could have parents like these two, and we all wanted a slice of Martha Kent’s apple pie!

6. Meteor Freaks

Photo: The WB / David Gray
SMALLVILLE’s villains usually had some other-world ability thanks to the kryptonite that landed in the sleepy Kansas town when Clark first came to Earth. Because of the civilians' exposure to meteor rock, Smallville’s residents started to go crazy, creating a trend that fans like to call "Freak of the Week".  After awhile, many fans were begging creators Al Gough and Miles Millar to end the Freak-of-the-Week torture, but for several seasons people loved them and couldn’t wait to see what meta-human that Clark and his friends would face next. Pictured: Clark with Kyla, who can transform into a white wolf, in the "Skinwalkers" episode of Season 2.

7. Father/Son Talks

Photo: The WB / David Gray
Jonathan Kent was full of undying devotion and was in awe of his superhuman son. Though he wasn’t blood related, Jonathan never treated Clark otherwise. A large reason why Clark became the man he is now in the 10th season is because of something that started in the pilot -- father/son talks. These heart-to-heart sessions really helped Clark believe in himself and his ability to save mankind. In the pilot, Papa Kent helps Clark comes to terms with the fact he is indeed from another planet.

8. The Theme Song

Photo: The WB / Timothy White
It may seem silly to include a theme song as a reason to watch a show; however, most SMALLVILLE fans can say that "Somebody Save Me" by Remy Zero still is, or has at one point, been their ringtone of choice. After every teaser, the song blasts through the television and fans can’t help but smile. Though the band has long since broken up, the lyrics to "Somebody Save Me" will forever be associated with SMALLVILLE and played on repeats way past the end of the series.

9. The Loft

Photo: Michael Courtney / CW
The barn loft -- or what is lovingly called Clark’s "Fortress of Solitude" -- has almost become a character in itself. From Clark’s first kiss with Chloe when they were 13, to his spying days on Lana Lang with his beloved telescope, the barn loft has had more scenes than practically any set on SMALLVILLE. Come the series finale on May 13th, fans will have to say goodbye to the beloved barn loft forever.

10. Super-speed

Photo: The WB / David Gray
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Its Superman…running? When SMALLVILLE first started, executive producers promised that this was a show about Superman before he became the comic book character every one knew and loved. They insisted that this Clark Kent would never wear the tights, and he would never be seen flying either. Their solution? Super-speeding! And lots of it. After ten years -- even though we’d all like to see him give flying a whirl -- this classic run has become something to anticipate in every episode.

Honorable Mention: Tom Welling

Fans watched his career soar like the comic-book Superman, as Welling went from unknown actor to TV star and hunk and now to Executive Producer. Did I mention he's a hunk?

Of course there are many more reasons to watch SMALLVILLE's first episode; this is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you start watching, you may never stop. So if you haven’t seen one episode of this super show, start with the pilot and keep on watching. For your chance to pick up on this entertaining series -- or to refresh your memory -- watch the CW’s re-air of the pilot on Friday, April 8th at 8pm ET/PT.


Kayla Grosse is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin – Madison in film, radio and television. An aspiring television writer, Kayla also spends her time working at Starbucks and listening to music.