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EXCLUSIVE Interview with Mo McRae Who Plays Tyler on SONS OF ANARCHY

Maj Canton - October 30, 2012




Mo McRae plays Tyler, the reluctant new leader of the One-Niners on SONS OF ANARCHY. Mo took a few minutes on his off day to talk with TV Tango, and he discussed the SOA role for which he originally auditioned, he dished about possible upcoming scenes, and he told us about his ride.



Tonight, October 30th, at 10pm ET on FX, you should definitely check out "Ablation," a new episode of SONS OF ANARCHY that features Mo as Tyler.



TV Tango: How would you describe your experiences so far on SONS OF ANARCHY?

Mo McRae: My experience so far has been pretty exciting. To be involved in the creative process on a show that's kind of in a really big groove this year -- with the premiere breaking records for FX and all the acclaim and attention it's been getting. To come in on it at this stage has really been exciting.

TV Tango: You mentioned being involved on the creative side. Have you given feedback about the direction your character is heading?

Mo McRae: So far, I think my character is just in a tough situation. It'll be interesting to see where he goes from here. We've seen him come in and be nervous, and with a lot of trepidation about this role that he's in. It'll be interesting to see if he ends up comfortable in it at some point or if he's always going to be in fear.

TV Tango: When you first heard about, or auditioned for, the role of Tyler, how was it pitched to you?

Mo McRae: Actually, it's a funny story. I was actually up for a different role -- the guy that was killed in the opening episode of the season.  That's the role that I originally auditioned for. When it was written the first time, he didn't get killed in that episode; he was going to be the new leader.


But when it was flipped to where that character was killed in that episode, they decided they didn't want me to come on board just to do one; so I took the Tyler role because he would live and go off and have more participation during the series.

I went in, I auditioned, and it was afterwards that I got the call that they felt they'd rather have me around for more than one [episode]. That was humbling to hear that and be invited to do more on such a strong show.

TV Tango: What did you know about the One-Niners from previous seasons of SONS OF ANARCHY -- and even possibly from THE SHIELD?

Mo McRae: Primarily just on SONS. Before auditioning, I really wanted to take some time and catch up with the show, because it's really hard for me to watch television shows consistently. I spent a weekend just going through Netflix and watching and catching up...and I was blown away. I was just so intrigued to see where they planned on taking the relationship of the Niners in the upcoming season, based on where they'd been in the past. It was tumultuous at points; other times they were together. And then you had the issues between the Niners and the Mayans.

I was just excited and curious about what direction did the Niners want to go in, especially with me at the helm of the organization.


TV Tango: What other kind of backstory did they give you for Tyler, once they gave you the role?

Mo McRae: It wasn't much backstory. They gave me a lot of freedom. They just let me figure it out, because on the page, you see a lot in those couple of opening scenes that my character was there, but I wasn't the leader. For me as an actor, it seemed like the most interesting choice would be if I was not really a gung-ho participant and not being this super hardcore gang member. I wanted to play him a little different so when he gets propelled into that position of leaderhip, it makes the stakes that much higher.


TV Tango: What prepared Tyler to even take over as leader?

Mo McRae: It's a life-or-death situation. I feel like if I would have said "No," then my character would've been killed. He did it out of survival. Rule #1 is to survive.


TV Tango: Why does Tyler think Darnell was really killed, besides August's words, "He didn’t really want to be in charge, anyway"?

Mo McRae: I think it was a show for me, the way I interpreted it. I think it was a show of strength and power and of an alliance to SAMCRO. It was a power play.


TV Tango: Why does Tyler think Pope thought he was ready to lead?

Mo McRae: I don't think he thought I was ready, and I think that's why he selected me. He wanted to pick the person that seemed like the least powerful. The person he would probably have the easiest time controlling. He needed to make an example out of someone; so he went and got Darnell, who may have been a bit stronger-willed than Tyler.


What could I say "No" to? Like in the last episode -- the scene with Charlie, Emilio and I -- there's a great line for Tyler when they ask, "Are you in this?" Like I have a choice. That was a great setup for that moment. For me, as an actor, it gave me a lot of layers.

TV Tango: Speaking of that deal, what are Tyler's thoughts about the new deal between Pope and Jax?

Mo McRae: I think he's in a position where he just has to oblige, a possibly, potentially, he's hoping this is just a temporary thing. For now, it's keeping him alive. He'll proceed with it, but it's not necessarily advantageous to him.

TV Tango: Will we see tonight, or in the future, more of what his role will be in dealing with SAMCRO?

Mo McRae: Yes, we will.

TV Tango: Besides fear -- at least based on his nervous demeanor when he met Pope -- how does Tyler feel about Pope?

Mo McRae: I think there's a level of disdain there, because he murdered a friend of mine in front of me.


One thing that's really great about the show, on the SAMCRO side we've seen these guys commit really heinous acts and crimes, but then we've also seen them cry. We've seen their bond, their love, their familial energy.

For me, as a fan of the show and then coming on as an actor, I feel it's important to have that same kind of rapport, even if I didn't get to show it because the Darnell character was killed so soon. To play him as a friend, in my mind, make me have hatred for Pope because he murdered a friend of mine.


So there' a fear, there's also a hatred, and I think there's a little twisted respect there because he has a side to him that my character doesn't necessarily have. When you grow up in those kinds of environments or elements, it's kind of coveted to be that cold-hearted. It's kind of a coveted trait.

TV Tango: You've usually had scenes with Jax or Pope. Will you see you with anybody else, like other members of SAMCRO -- or even someone like Nero [Jimmy Smits' character]?

Mo McRae: It's very possible, very possible.

TV Tango: Besides watching SOA episodes on Netflix, how else did you prepare for the role? Did you ride with a motorcycle club? Did you hang with a black motorcycle club?

Mo McRae: Really just getting into the actor's toolbox essentially, and just figuring out who this character was and what parts of myself I could bring to it. How he's different than me. Getting into his objectives and motivations. Just figure out who this guy is on a human level, his involvement and how he feels about each of the characters he's having to interact with.

TV Tango: So how does he feel about Jax?

Mo McRae: I feel like there's a likeness between the two characters. There's some similarities there. Jax is also in a new position of leadership. Jax is just trying to do his best to navigate a new position. I have somewhat of an affinity for Jax. I feel like there's something cool there developing, possibly, between Tyler and Jax, because i
t's similar situation.


When you find somebody that occupies the same type of plight as you, you develop a fondness there. But then he doesn't trust him. He can't trust him because you don't know what anybody is capable of; so he doesn't trust Jax, but at the same time, if he's going to have an ally in the equation, it could potentially be Jax.

TV Tango: Do you ride motorcycles at all?

Mo McRae: Yes, I do, actually. As of now, I don't ride in the show, but being involved with the show led me to a relationship with Harley-Davidson. It kind of embraced me and really took me in. I always had a desire to ride motorcycles, and after being involved in the show and have other friends that ride,  the opportunities presented themselves. I'm an official rider now.

TV Tango: What's your ride?

Mo McRae: Right now, I'm on a Dyna Street Bob Harley Davidson. 



TV Tango: How often do you get to ride?

Mo McRae: A few times a week, actually. I'm on pretty often.


In L.A. traffic, having a motorcycle in traffic is the best thing you can do. When I get in my car and people on motorcycles go by, it make me even more jealous. I'm like "I wish I was on a bike right now." The bike's at home in the garage, and I'm stuck in traffic as bikers whizz by.

TV Tango: What TV shows have  you recently watched on Netflix?

Mo McRae: I watched THE WALKING DEAD recently, because I know the showrunner over there and he's a really great guy. I love BOSS -- that's like my favorite show. I want to get into SHAMELESS. MAD MEN is a big thing for me on Netflix. I always watch MAD MEN in the airport for some reason.

TV Tango: If you could play any fictional TV character in history, who would you choose?

Mo McRae: I don't know why, but the first person who came to my mind was Perry Mason; so I'm going to go with Perry Mason.


My grandmother was a huge PERRY MASON fan. That was definitely before my time. That's not dating myself; that's pre-dating myself.