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EXCLUSIVE Interview with Kelli Berglund Who Plays Bree on Disney XD's LAB RATS

Maj Canton - February 25, 2013




Kelli Berglund -- one of the stars of Disney XD's LAB RATS, an accomplished dancer, and an aspiring singer -- talked with TV Tango and answered 25 of our burning questions. Kelli raved about Bree's new suit and street clothes for Season 2, dished about Bree's crush, revealed that Bree and Adam get new super abilities, and intrigued us with news about upcoming guest stars. 



LAB RATS returns for its second season tonight, February 25, at 9pm ET on Disney XD, with Adam, Bree and Chase sneaking out to meet Marcus in Davenport's new self-driving sports car. When Leo tries to stop them, Marcus traps him inside the car and programs it to take him on a wild, high-speed ride bound for the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.


TV Tango: What was your favorite episode from Season 1 of LAB RATS?

Kelli Berglund: I would have to say that my favorite episode was probably the season finale, the big space episode. I thought it was really cool; it actually was really fun to film, too, using a really big green screen for all of the different stage effects. Also, the storyline, too, with Marcus, and him trying to sabotage all of us. I thought that was really cool, because it ended on a cliffhanger.


TV Tango: Was that your first time using a green screen for that number of scenes and that length of time?

Kelli Berglund: I've worked with a green screen before, many times actually. That was probably the biggest green screen that I'd worked with. We used it for a lot of the episode, and it was a lot of long hours in a harness and trying to stay on this little metal plate to make it look like I'm floating through space. That was probably the most interaction I've had with a green screen.

TV Tango: What were your first impressions when you saw the new suits for Season 2?

Kelli Berglund: I absolutely loved the new suits. We had had a little bit of talk of new suits at the end of Season 1. We were really excited about that, and we were really anxious to see what they were going to look like. When we saw the first little sketches of them, we instantly all fell in love with them. They have a very AVENGERS feel to them; mine's very Black Widow-like and the boys' are very Hawkeye-ish. The new suits are very different from last season. They have a little bit of a new color-scheme going on -- it's mostly grey with little accents of red on it. My suit changed a lot, actually. The material is a wetsuit material; it's a little shinier. It's got a zipper down the front. I've got these really cool tall black boots with a heel on them. They're really super cool and I absolutely love them for Bree. My hair actually is down for this, as opposed to before when my hair was pulled back in a ponytail. The boys have these really cool leather vests and cool little buckle things on their boots. We all love them so much.


We all think that they're a good transition from last season to this season. I think our characters have all grown, so to have our suits kind of grow with us is cool.


TV Tango: Did you have any input about the look of the new suits?

Kelli Berglund: Yeah, we did, actually. We saw them, and our producer had asked what we thought about them and any recommendations. I just really wanted Bree to kind of grow up a little bit, and I told them that. I told them, "I think it'd be really great for Bree to have a more mature look." That's exactly what they did; so I'm really happy with the outcome.


TV Tango: Any issues running or doing stunts in the boots, so far?

Kelli Berglund: Not really [laughing]. The heel isn't too high on the boot, and they put this little rubber tread on the bottom; so they're really super-easy to run in with all the super-speed effects I have to do. I can do fight scenes in them; so they're actually working out pretty well. No broken ankles yet. [laughing]


TV Tango: When your character wears street clothes, what's your fave outfit that Bree gets to wear in Season 2?

Kelli Berglund: There's so many. Her outfits won't change much from Season 1. She's still very colorful; she likes wearing bright colors. She'll still have her signature Doc Martens that she'll wear in every episode -- and a different color every time. They're just normal street clothes, and there's something that I like about each and every one of them. There is an outfit I got to wear pretty recently. It's just this cute little flannel with a nice simple T-shirt under it -- that's kind of a nice, casual, simple look that I like for Bree. She tends to wear that type of outfit a few times. She's pretty much a normal teenage girl, which is exactly what Bree wanted to be.

TV Tango: In early January you asked your Twitter followers what they wanted to see happen in Season 2. What were some of the funniest responses that they tweeted back?

Kelli Berglund: A lot of responses I got to that question were: Are there going to be any new crushes for Bree in Season 2?" That was a big one; everybody was asking about that. A lot of people were saying they want to see a lot of fight scenes with Bree, which is actually something that Bree gets to do a lot in Season 2. They have that to look forward to.


One of the funniest responses...none of them were too crazy. I think some of them might have said a few insane things here and there, like "I want to see [fill in the blank] guest star on LAB RATS"; so there's like little things like that that fans really dream about. [laughing] Other than that, just kind of normal things -- I want to see more missions; I want to see what the new suits are going to look like -- just things like that.


TV Tango: Speaking of crushes and boyfriends, is Bree going to start dating in Season 2?

Kelli Berglund: Bree has kind of this one major crush in Season 2. There's this really artistic guy she kind of falls for, and he kind of falls for her, too. It's really not too serious of a relationship, but it's just a little crush that she has, and this character is in a few episodes. That's pretty much it, honestly.

TV Tango: While you were filming Season 2 in early to mid-December, co-creator Chris Peterson tweeted, "Today my LAB RATS impressed me more than ever." What did you do that made him so proud?

Kelli Berglund: I'm trying to think which episode it might've been. We've had some pretty big episodes, actually. It might've been an episode where we had a lot of special effects going on or there were a lot of fight scenes, because we do have some really big episodes. We filmed an hour-long special a couple months ago that's a really, really exciting episode, and reveals a lot of secrets within our family.


Chris is so great. He just keeps us going throughout the day; he just gives us positive energy. Honestly, it could've been a regular day, because Chris always does things like that, but I'm assuming it has something to do with a long tiring day with a lot of special effects to do.


TV Tango: Besides super speed, does Bree learn that she has other abilities we didn't know about?

Kelli Berglund: As you know, she has super speed, but she also has super agility, meaning that she can stick to walls and stick to ceilings and stuff like that. She actually does get a new ability in Season 2, but I'm not going to give it away. Chase also got a new ability at the end of the first season, in the finale episode, with molecular kinesis and being able to move things with his mind. Adam actually gains a new ability [in Season 2] as well, but I'm not going to say anything about that either. They're really, really cool abilities, and I think they fit our characters very well. 


TV Tango: In early January, you made a Spotify celebrity mixtape. If you were asked to make a playlist of music describing Season 2 of LAB RATS, what music genre would you use to describe the new season?

Kelli Berglund: Oooh, that's hard. I guess a couple words that would help me out here would be surprising, powerful, lots of action. It'd be hard to narrow it down. The first thing that kind of pops into my mind is a hard rock-and-roll song, because when I think of our missions and our fight scenes, I just think of rock songs from the '80s.


TV Tango: Besides Madison Pettis (JAKE AND THE NEVER LAND PIRATES), who guest stars in the Season 2 opener, what other guest stars did you have the chance to work with in the new season?

Kelli Berglund: As you know, Mateus Ward [who plays Marcus] is back for Season 2. He's in several episodes to continue on with the storyline that we left as a cliffhanger in Season 1. He comes back.


Madison Pettis comes back, as well, for a couple of episodes. We have another guest star, but I'm not going to say who it is, because it's a very big part of the storyline. It's a big reveal; so I can't say too much about that, but they do appear in several episodes. Bree's little crush comes back for a couple episodes, I think played by Ben Stillwell.


We have just a few little guest stars here and there, a lot of things like special agents, who are coming into our home, and FBI agents. We had an episode recently that had to do with felony and artwork and things like that; so we have kind of a special agent who is a big part in that episode.


I was told that we might have someone from NASCAR coming in a future episode that we're going to film this coming season, but we haven't filmed it yet. I've heard things like that from my producers. Just rumor. [laughing]


TV Tango: In Season 1 you had the chance to dance, but you had to act like you didn't know how. Do you get the chance in Season 2 to show that you really know how to dance?

Kelli Berglund: Season 2, actually, not yet in the episodes we've already filmed. I don't think there are too many dance opportunities for Bree, but something that she does do is fight scenes, which I think is a good way to show my athleticism and flexibility. Not too many dance routine going on in Season 2, but the fight scenes definitely show Bree's tough side.


TV Tango: So there's no prom episode or homecoming show?

Kelli Berglund: Well, there is a homecoming episode, but not too much dancing involved.

TV Tango: What can you tell us about your dance project, MY DANCE TURN?

Kelli Berglund: It's actually a little project I've been working on. It's still in the works. Nothing too big coming out with it yet. It's just this little thing that I filmed about dance and the different forms of dance, and how dance can be expressed through different styles and how people feel the need to express it. Just a tiny little project that I've been working on, actually, and you might see a little more of that in the future.


TV Tango: What style of dance do you enjoy the most?

Kelli Berglund: My favorite style is probably contemporary. That's been a favorite of mine for a couple of years now, and I think it's really grown and branched out into its own little genre. It has a few more little styles that go hand in hand with it.

TV Tango: Who's your favorite dancer these days?

Kelli Berglund: Some of them I actually got to work with, which was a total honor. It is one of the most exciting things to ever happen to me. Stacey Tookey, the choreographer. I got to work with her, and that was so much fun, because I watched her on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE for years and years. To be able to learn a dance from her was just kind of mind-blowing. She's definitely a favorite of mine.


TV Tango: Besides dance, what other hobbies do you have?

Kelli Berglund: I've actually been working on a little bit of music. I have some of that in the works right now. I recorded a couple of songs, and hopefully I'll be sending out maybe a few singles later in the year. Who knows, maybe an album or something. That's still in the works, but I'm really focusing on my acting and LAB RATS.


TV Tango: Rumor has it that you're a good photographer.

Kelli Berglund: Oh yeah, that was a hobby that I took up for a little while, and I actually spoiled myself with a very nice Canon camera. I would love to hopefully get back into that very soon, but I have learned a little bit here and there with some photographers that I've worked with. I think it's fun. It's one little thing that I like to do in my spare time. 


TV Tango: What was it like being part of the 2012 Hollywood Christmas Parade?

Kelli Berglund: Oh, that was so much fun. It was a great experience. I hadn't really done a huge parade before. The only parade I'd ever done was there's a parade that happens in my hometown every year that's just for my local community. It was pretty cool to be in this huge parade going throughout Hollywood. It was also so much fun, because I got to do it with all of my castmates. It was so cool seeing fans lined up on the side of the street, cheering your name. It's like, "Wow! These people really watch the show" and we get to see them all in person. Even talking with them via Twitter, it isn't the same as talking with them in person. You have people standing up and yelling, "I love LAB RATS!" It was a very exciting experience, and I would love to do it again this year.


TV Tango: Did you grow up watching the parade on TV?

Kelli Berglund: I hadn't, actually. I always heard about it and I always wanted to watch it. I watched it this year, and it was really cool seeing myself sitting on that car.


TV Tango: Growing up, which actors and actresses did you look up to?

Kelli Berglund: Oh my goodness, that's a really difficult question. There's so many actors and actresses that I look up to throughout the years. I grew up watching Disney, up until the age of 13; so I started off with shows like LIZZIE MCGUIRE. I idolized Hilary Duff. I wanted to be her, and it's kind of weird now that I'm on Disney and achieved that goal. Just being able to play Bree right now is an honor.


TV Tango: What TV shows are on your DVR or Netflix queue?

Kelli Berglund: There's a show that I've been really into, and I watched it all on Netflix since I have no time for TV in my schedule. I really like THE VAMPIRE DIARIES. I'm obsessed with that show. I'm only on Season 2 and I know they've had like three or four seasons; so I'm catching up as quickly as I can.


I have all the episodes of LAB RATS on my DVR, and I go and watch that when I have free time. In addition to that, I also have HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER -- I love that show so much.


Those are my top three.