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Action Man

Episode List: Action Man

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Date Episode # Title Network Rating Share  (↓) Viewers Watch/Purchase
05/20/2000 01-001; 01-002  The Call to Action (Part 1 of 2) (a.k.a. Competitive Edge); The Call to Action (Part 2 of 2) (a.k.a. Building the Perfect Beast)  Fox       
05/03/2001 02-003  Ground Zero  Fox       
05/04/2001 02-004  Tower of Power  Fox       
05/11/2001 02-005  Rumble (Part 1 of 2)  Fox       
05/18/2001 02-006  Rumble (Part 2 of 2)  Fox       
05/25/2001 02-007  Search and Destroy  Fox       
06/01/2001 02-008  Triton Factor  Fox       
09/14/2001 02-009  Mann's Best Friend  Fox       
02-010  Mann Hunt         
02-011  Tangled Up in Green         
02-012  Ultimate Doom (Part 1 of 2)         
05/02/2001 02-002  Thirst  Fox       
02/26/2001 02-001  Green Thoughts  Fox       
11/18/2000 01-013  Swarm (Part 2 of 2)  Fox       
08/19/2000 01-003  Grey Areas  Fox       
08/26/2000 01-004  Storm Front  Fox       
09/02/2000 01-005  Gremlin in the Gears  Fox       
09/09/2000 01-006  Double Vision  Fox       
09/16/2000 01-007  Into the Abyss  Fox       
09/23/2000 01-008  Out of the Shadows  Fox       
09/30/2000 01-009  Lost in the Funhouse  Fox       
10/28/2000 01-010  The Hereafter Factor  Fox       
11/04/2000 01-011  Cold War  Fox       
11/11/2000 01-012  Swarm (Part 1 of 2)  Fox       
02-013  Ultimate Doom (Part 2 of 2)