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CBS News Special Report

Episode List: CBS News Special Report

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Date  (↑) Episode # Title Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
    CBS  17.2     
  Apollo-Soyuz: A Meeting in Space  CBS       
  Busch/Quayle '92  CBS  6.5     
  China  CBS  13.5     
  Oklahoma Bombing  CBS  9.6  16   
  War in the Gulf  CBS  13.2     
  War in the Gulf  CBS  13.2     
Special  War in the Gulf  CBS  11     
Special  War in the Gulf  CBS     
09/16/1974   President Ford's Address on Amnesty and Pardon  CBS       
09/18/1974   President Ford's Address to the United Nations  CBS       
09/22/1974   What's Going on Here? The Troubled American Economy  CBS       
09/28/1974   The Economic Summit: Concluding Remarks  CBS       
09/29/1974   The Economic Summit: Summary and Analysis  CBS       
10/08/1974   President Ford's Address on the Economy Before Congress  CBS       
10/15/1974   President Ford's Address to the Future Farmers of America  CBS       
10/17/1974   President Ford's Appearance Before the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Criminal Justice  CBS       
10/20/1974   Chavez and the Teamsters: An Update  CBS       
11/05/1974   Election '74  CBS       
11/14/1974   President Ford's Address to Sigma Delta Chi Convention  CBS       
11/14/1974   Senate Rules Committee Hearings on the Rockefeller Nomination for Vice-President  CBS       
12/19/1974   A Tribute to Jack Benny  CBS       
12/29/1974   1974: A Television Album  CBS       
01/13/1975   President Ford's Economic Address to the Nation  CBS       
01/15/1975   President Ford's State of the Union Message to Congress  CBS       
01/26/1975   Mr. Rooney Goes to Washington  CBS       
03/05/1975   Cambodia: An American Dilemma  CBS       
03/23/1975   Haldeman: The Nixon Years (Part 1 of 2)  CBS       
03/25/1975   Death of a King: What Changes for the Arab World?  CBS       
03/30/1975   Haldeman: The Nixon Years (Part 2 of 2)  CBS       
04/08/1975   Indochina: 1975 - The End of the Road?  CBS       
04/21/1975   A Conversation with the President  CBS       
04/29/1975   Vietnam: A War That Is Finished  CBS       
05/25/1975   The Ups and Downs of Henry Kissinger  CBS       
06/24/1975   Is the Recession Finally Ending?  CBS       
06/24/1975   Mr. Rooney Goes to Dinner  CBS       
07/14/1975   Apollo-Soyuz: A Meeting in Space Preview  CBS       
03/29/1976   The Great Depression  CBS       
03/28/1977   Who's Got a Right to Rodesia?  CBS       
12/25/1982   Eye on the Media: Business and the Press  CBS       
04/11/1983   Eye on the Media  CBS  6.2  10   
04/23/1983 Special  The Great Nuclear Arms Debate  CBS   
09/02/1983   Paradise Lost  CBS  10.6  21   
08/13/1986 Special  Big Gamble in Atlantic City  CBS  8.8     
11/25/1986     CBS  10.9     
06/17/1987 Special  20 Years on the Road  CBS  11.9     
06/24/1987 Special  Soviet Union: Seven Days in May  CBS  12.7     
09/10/1987 Special  Catholic Church in America  CBS  5.6     
04/26/1989   Lucy  CBS  15.2     
06/08/1989     CBS  8.9     
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