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The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Episode List: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

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Date Episode # Title Network  (↓) Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
10/06/2004   with: Bob Schieffer.  Comedy Central       
10/07/2004   with: Bill O'Reilly.  Comedy Central       
10/18/2004   with: Ed Koch.  Comedy Central       
10/19/2004   with: Marisa Tomei.  Comedy Central       
10/20/2004   with: Fareed Zakaria.  Comedy Central       
10/21/2004   with: Billy Crudup.  Comedy Central       
10/25/2004   with: Madeline Albright.  Comedy Central       
10/26/2004   with: Chris Wallace.  Comedy Central       
10/27/2004   with: Jesse Jackson.  Comedy Central       
10/28/2004   with: John Zogby.  Comedy Central       
11/01/2004   with:  Comedy Central       
11/02/2004   Election 2004: Prelude to a Recount  Comedy Central       
11/03/2004   with: Charles Schumer.  Comedy Central       
11/04/2004   with: Bill Kristol.  Comedy Central       
11/08/2004   with: Charles Schumer.  Comedy Central       
11/09/2004   with: Richard Branson.  Comedy Central       
11/10/2004   with: Tom Wolfe.  Comedy Central       
11/11/2004   with: Kenneth Pollack.  Comedy Central       
11/15/2004   with: Kay Bailey Hutchison.  Comedy Central       
11/16/2004   with: Tom Brokaw.  Comedy Central       
11/17/2004   with: Thomas Frank.  Comedy Central       
11/18/2004   with: Woody Harrelson.  Comedy Central       
11/29/2004   with: Jude Law.  Comedy Central       
11/30/2004   with: Brian Williams.  Comedy Central       
12/01/2004   with: Christopher Hitchens.  Comedy Central       
12/02/2004   with: Stephen King.  Comedy Central       
12/06/2004   with: Isabella Rossellini.  Comedy Central       
12/07/2004   with: Paul O'Neill.  Comedy Central       
12/08/2004   with: Seth Mnookin.  Comedy Central       
12/09/2004   with: Kate Bosworth.  Comedy Central       
12/13/2004   with: Kevin Spacey.  Comedy Central       
12/14/2004   with: Dore Gold.  Comedy Central       
12/15/2004   with: Billy Connolly.  Comedy Central       
12/16/2004   with: Katie Couric.  Comedy Central       
12/27/2004   with: did not air  Comedy Central       
12/28/2004   with:  Comedy Central       
12/29/2004   did not air  Comedy Central       
12/30/2004   did not air  Comedy Central       
01/03/2005   with: Billy Connolly.  Comedy Central       
01/04/2005   with: Paul Giamatti.  Comedy Central       
01/05/2005   with: Don Cheadle.  Comedy Central       
01/06/2005   with: Howard Zinn.  Comedy Central       
01/10/2005   with: John Grisham.  Comedy Central       
01/11/2005   with: Samuel L. Jackson.  Comedy Central       
01/12/2005   with: Dennis Quaid.  Comedy Central       
01/13/2005   with: Annette Bening.  Comedy Central       
01/17/2005   with: Brian Ross.  Comedy Central       
01/18/2005   with: Jim Wallis.  Comedy Central       
01/19/2005   with: Michael Beschloss.  Comedy Central       
01/20/2005   with: Joe Lieberman.  Comedy Central       
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