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Pawn Star$

Episode List: Pawn Star$

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Date Episode # Title Network  (↑) Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
07/13/2020   A Dam Good Road Trip  History     
07/20/2020   A Loose Cannon  History      1.01 
07/27/2020   Million Dollar Deal  History      1.04 
08/03/2020   Corey & Chum's Excellent Adventure  History       
08/10/2020   I Want My Pawn TV  History      0.59 
08/17/2020   Negotiations and Restorations  History      0.84 
08/24/2020   Pop Culture Pawn  History       
08/31/2020   One Man's Trash Is Another Pawn Treasure  History       
11/16/2020 18-001; 18-002  Close Encounters of the Pawn Kind; Rick's Gone with the Wind  History       
11/23/2020   Decoding a Deal  History       
11/30/2020   The Spy Who Pawned Me  History       
12/07/2020   Mo' Monet, Mo' Problems  History       
12/14/2020   Raiders of the Lost Pawn  History       
12/21/2020   Dueling and Dealing  History       
12/28/2020   The Need for Speed  History       
01/04/2021   Gotsta Get Pawned  History       
01/04/2021   Knock Your Sox Off  History       
03/22/2021   Rick's Big Shot  History       
03/29/2021   Pawn Shop Rock  History       
04/12/2021   Rick's Surreal Supper  History       
04/19/2021   That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles  History       
04/26/2021   To Infinity and Be-Pawned!  History       
05/03/2021   Pawn Stars and Movie Stars  History       
05/10/2021   Atomic Pawn  History       
05/17/2021   Once a Pawn a Time in Hollywood  History       
08/14/2021   Off the Rails  History       
08/14/2021   Bohemian Pawnsody  History       
08/21/2021   Wanted: Pawned or Alive  History       
08/28/2021   Rick's Big Triumph  History       
09/04/2021   Rick vs. The Globe of Death  History       
09/18/2021   Jurassic Pawn  History       
09/25/2021   Action Packed Pawn  History       
10/02/2021   Pawn Jam  History       
10/09/2021   When Pawns Cry  History       
10/16/2021   Rick and Chum's Wild Ride  History       
10/23/2021   Appetite for Pawnstruction  History       
10/30/2021   Wreck it Rick  History       
11/06/2021   Money in the Bankshot  History       
11/13/2021   Pawns of Anarchy  History       
11/20/2021   Rocket Man  History       
12/04/2021   The Pawn Strikes Back; No Sleep til Vegas  History       
12/11/2021   Declaration of Indepawndence; The Prince of Pawn  History       
12/18/2021   Pawnasaurus Rex; Big Apple Rick  History       
04/23/2022   I Came, I Saw, I Pawned  History       
04/30/2022   Put a Cork in It  History       
05/07/2022   Pawned Lightnin'  History       
05/14/2022   Blast from the Past  History       
05/21/2022   Fender Vendor  History       
06/04/2022   Pawntourage  History       
06/11/2022   Roadmaster Rick  History       
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