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The Tomorrow People

Episode List: The Tomorrow People

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Date Episode #  (↑) Title Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
05-005  The Heart of Sogguth (Part 1 of 2): Beat the Drum  ITV       
05-006  The Heart of Sogguth (Part 2 of 2): Devil in Disguise  ITV       
06-001  The Lost Gods (Part 1 of 2): Flight of Fancy  ITV       
06-002  The Lost Gods (Part 2 of 2): Life Before Death  ITV       
06-003  Hitler's Last Secret (Part 1 of 2): Men Like Rats  ITV       
06-004  Hitler's Last Secret (Part 2 of 2): Seeds of Destruction  ITV       
06-005  The Thargon Menace (Part 1 of 2): Unexpected Guests  ITV       
06-006  The Thargon Menace (Part 2 of 2): Playing with Fire  ITV       
07-001  Castle of Fear (Part 1 of 2): Ghosts and Monsters  ITV       
07-002  Castle of Fear (Part 2 of 2): Fighting Spirit  ITV       
07-003  Achilles Heel (Part 1 of 2): A Room at the Inn  ITV       
07-004  Achilles Heel (Part 2 of 2): Everything to Lose  ITV       
07-005  The Living Skins (Part 1 of 2): A Harmless Fashion  ITV       
07-006  The Living Skins (Part 2 of 2): Cold War  ITV       
08-001  War of the Empires (Part 1 of 4): Close Encounter  ITV       
08-002  War of the Empires (Part 2 of 4): Contact!  ITV       
08-003  War of the Empires (Part 3 of 4): Standing Alone  ITV       
08-004  War of the Empires (Part 4 of 4): All in the Mind  ITV