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Treasure Hunters

Episode List: Treasure Hunters

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Date Episode # Title Network  (↓) Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
06/18/2006 01-001; 01-002    NBC  3.9  6.9 
06/26/2006 01-003    NBC  3.6  5.8 
07/10/2006 01-005  (The teams seek messages from the past to lead them along a famous route)  NBC  3.5  5.7 
07/17/2006 01-006  (Teams at the rear must decide whether to leave a teammate behind to avoid elimination.)  NBC  2.9  4.8 
07/24/2006 01-007  The Man Behind the Mask  NBC  2.8  4.5 
07/31/2006 01-008  (A secret society may have bound the Founding Fathers.)  NBC  3.1  5.1 
08/07/2006 01-009  (The remaining teams try to uncover secrets of a war)  NBC  3.1 
08/14/2006 01-010  (The remaining three teams compete to find the final artifact that reveals the key to the treasure.)  NBC  2.9  4.8 
08/21/2006 01-011  (The final three teams compete in a battle of wits to solve the last puzzle and find the treasure; teams from the online game continue their treasure hunt on-air.)  NBC  3.6