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Yu Yu Hakusho

Episode List: Yu Yu Hakusho

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Date Episode # Title Network Rating Share Viewers  (↓) Watch/Purchase
04/09/2003 02-002  The Dark Tournament Begins  Cartoon Network       
05/18/2002 01-013  Yusuke vs. Rando: 99 Attacks  Cartoon Network       
05/11/2002 01-012  Rando Rises, Kuwabara Falls  Cartoon Network       
05/04/2002 01-011  Hard Fights for Yusuke  Cartoon Network       
04/27/2002 01-010  Kuwabara's Spirit Sword  Cartoon Network       
04/20/2002 01-009  The Search Begins  Cartoon Network       
04/13/2002 01-008  The Three Eyes of Hiei  Cartoon Network       
04/06/2002 01-007  Gouki and Kurama  Cartoon Network       
03/30/2002 01-006  Three Monsters  Cartoon Network       
03/23/2002 01-005  Yusuke's Back  Cartoon Network       
03/16/2002 01-004  Requirements For Lovers  Cartoon Network       
05/25/2002 01-014  The Beasts of Maze Castle  Cartoon Network       
06/08/2002 01-015  Genbu, the Stone Beast  Cartoon Network       
06/15/2002 01-016  Byakko, the White Tiger  Cartoon Network       
04/08/2003 02-001  Toguro Returns  Cartoon Network       
04/07/2003 01-025  Kuwabara's Fight of Love  Cartoon Network       
04/04/2003 01-024  The Deadly Triad  Cartoon Network       
04/03/2003 01-023  The Toguro Brothers Gang  Cartoon Network       
04/02/2003 01-022  Lamenting Beauty  Cartoon Network       
07/06/2002 01-021  Yusuke's Sacrifice  Cartoon Network       
07/06/2002 01-020  Seven Ways to Die  Cartoon Network       
07/06/2002 01-019  Suzaku, Leader of the Beasts  Cartoon Network       
06/29/2002 01-018  Seiryu, the Blue Dragon  Cartoon Network       
06/22/2002 01-017  Byakko's Lair  Cartoon Network       
03/09/2002 01-003  Kuwabara: A Promise Between Men  Cartoon Network       
03/02/2002 01-002  Koenma Appears  Cartoon Network       
02/23/2002 01-001  Surprised to Be Dead  Cartoon Network       
04-005  Haunted By The Past         
04-004  Return To Demon World         
04-003  Departing Living World         
04-002  Three Strangers, Three Kings         
04-001  Yusuke's Destiny         
03-028  Topside         
03-027  Sensui's End         
03-026  The Proof         
03-025  Waking the Lost         
03-024  Attempting Revenge         
04-006  The Secret Of The Jagan         
04-007  Reunion Of The Bandits         
04-008  Torn Between Identities         
04-018  To The Future         
04-017  Closure         
04-016  A Reason To Fight         
04-015  Love And War         
04-014  Farewell, Kurama         
04-013  The Demon World Tournament Begins         
04-012  The Battle of Father and Son         
04-011  The Preliminaries         
04-010  Every Demon For Himself         
04-009  Inheritance         
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