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Extreme Makeover

Episode List: Extreme Makeover

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Date Episode # Title Network  (↑) Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
12/11/2003 02-011  (man has high risk surgery to remove excess skin; dermatologist transforms the face of a woman with severe acne)  ABC  5.4  8.3 
11/26/2003 02-010  (jeff faces rigorous medical tests (Part 1 of 2)  ABC  7.3  13  11.2 
11/13/2003 02-009  (singer feels her cleft palate impairs her life; respiratory therapist)  ABC  6.3  9.1 
11/06/2003 02-008  (nurse undergoes breast reconstruction; a legal secretary has a difficult recovery)  ABC  5.7  8.2 
07/10/2006   !55total eps in series  style