7:00 pm |
7:30 pm |
8:00 pm |
8:30 pm |
9:00 pm |
9:30 pm |
10:00 pm |
10:30 pm |
 A&E |
Stir Crazy
Making of a Male Actor
 ABC |
(A man puts a rubber bird in the freezer; a pistachio nut sticks to a man's lip; a dog makes a mess of the yard
- Rating: 5
- Share: 9
- Viewers: 8.7
Koepke Family (Repeat)
- Rating: 6.3
- Share: 10
- Viewers: 10.3
- Rating: 10.5
- Share: 16
- Viewers: 16.4
Game Night
- Rating: 7.6
- Share: 13
- Viewers: 11.3
 CBS |
- Rating: 8.1
- Share: 14
- Viewers: 12.3
We Are Trying to Make Love, Not War
- Rating: 5.5
- Share: 9
- Viewers: 9
- Rating: 7.7
- Share: 12
- Viewers: 12.2
Crash and Burn
- Rating: 9.1
- Share: 15
- Viewers: 14.3
 Comedy Central |
Episode 303
 CW |
Small Miracles (Repeat)
- Rating: 0.9
- Share: 2
- Viewers: 1.4
- Rating: 1.9
- Share: 3
- Viewers: 2.8
The Girl Who Impresses Pedro (Repeat)
- Rating: 1
- Share: 2
- Viewers: 1.5
 Discovery |
Fresh Water
 E! |
All In
 Food Network |
 Fox |
Springfield Up (Repeat)
- Rating: 2.7
- Share: 5
- Viewers: 4.4
Yokel Chords (Repeat)
- Rating: 3.1
- Share: 5
- Viewers: 5.3
The Starting Line; Partners
- Rating: 3.5
- Share: 5
- Viewers: 6
 HBO |
Stage 5
Dog Day Afternoon
(Oscar De La Hoya and Floyd Mayweather travel across the country on a promotional tour to publicize their showdown
 ION |
Ocean's Eleven (1960)
Dateline: Keeping It Off
 Lifetime |
Heart of Ice
 NBC |
- Rating: 4.6
- Share: 8
- Viewers: 6.6
- Rating: 5.4
- Share: 8
- Viewers: 8.2
- Rating: 4
- Share: 7
- Viewers: 6.2
Sci Fi |
Second City
 Showtime |
Wolsey, Wolsey, Wolsey!
 VH1 |
Reunion Show
No Mo' Nicknames
 Weather |