Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Sunday, May 13, 2001 | 7.9 | 13 | 2 |
Wednesday, May 16, 2001 | 6.6 | 10 | 3 |
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day) |
- Season: 2000-2001
- Network: CBS
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Miniseries
- Subject Matter: Biography, Hollywood/Show Biz, Period Piece
- Based On: Blonde written by Joyce Carol Oates
- Misc.: Based On Book/Play; 4 Hours
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Plot Synopsis
Based on the novel by Joyce Carol Oates. Fictional retelling of the life of Norma Jeane Baker, known to the world as the captivating and enigmatic Marilyn Monroe who became a cultural icon as she struggled to reconcile her glamorous public persona with her troubled and complicated private self. From her abusive childhood through her tumultuous career and unstable marriages which ultimately resulted in her suicide.
- Robert Greenwald - Executive Producer
- Jay Firestone - Executive Producer
- Adam Haight - Executive Producer
- Liz Selzer Lang - Producer
- Jacobus Rose - Producer
- Bradley H. Gordon - Co-Producer
- Joyce Chopra - Director
- Joyce Eliason - Writer
Production Company:
- Robert Greenwald Prods. IAW Fireworks Ent.
Production Type:
- Independent
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