Danielle Steel's Zoya
Danielle Steel's Zoya
Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Sunday, September 17, 1995 | 11.3 | 18 | 2 |
Monday, September 18, 1995 | 13.2 | 20 | 3 |
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day) |
- Season: 1995-96
- Network: NBC
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Miniseries
- Subject Matter: Family Drama, Foreign/Exotic Location, Love Story, Period Piece
- Based On: Zoya written by Danielle Steel
- Misc.: Based On Book/Play; 4 Hours
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Plot Synopsis
Based on the novel. In 1917 Russia, Countess Zoya must flee with her grandmother after witnessing the shooting of her family by revolutionists. In Paris, she falls in love with an American army captain whom she marries and together they move to New York. After the death of her husband, she must work to support her young children. She opens a thriving store and marries a wealthy wholesaler. Although she becomes wildly successful, her long life is marred by numerous tragedies and bitter disappointments.
- Douglas S. Cramer - Executive Producer
- Kay Hoffman - Producer
- Richard Colla - Director
- L. Virginia Browne - Writer
Production Company:
- Cramer Co., NBC Productions
Production Type:
- In-House
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