Executioner's Song
Executioner's Song
Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Sunday, November 28, 1982 | 20.7 | 32 | 1 |
Monday, November 29, 1982 | 24 | 34 | 1 |
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day) |
- Season: 1982-83
- Network: NBC
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Miniseries
- Subject Matter: True Crime, Prison and Prison Camp, Biography
- Based On: Executioner's Song written by Norman Mailer
- Misc.: Based On Book/Play
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Plot Synopsis
Based on the book by Norman Mailer. The last nine months of convicted killer Gary Gilmore's life in prison before he was executed in 1977 Utah. He demanded that had the right to chose the method of his death and forced the state to execute him by firing squad.
- Lawrence Schiller - Executive Producer
- John Thomas Lenox - Producer
- Lawrence Schiller - Director
- Norman Mailer - Writer
Production Company:
- Lawrence Schiller Prods.
Production Type:
- Independent
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