BeBe Winans' We Three Kings
BeBe Winans' We Three Kings
Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Saturday, November 30, 2024 | N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
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- Season: 2024-2025
- Network: Lifetime
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Movies
- Subject Matter: Family Drama, Holiday Themed
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Plot Synopsis
Lincoln a retired musician turned record store owner, and the proud father to three daughters, Lydia, Gracie and Abigail. For the first time since their mother's death, the three estranged King sisters return home for the holidays. Lincoln hatches a plan with family friend, Genelle to bring his girls back together again this Christmas. Living under the same roof and hearing their father sing joyful Christmas melodies sparks old family memories. Holiday love songs and mistletoe are found around every corner, and the sisters end up finding love in the very town they tried so hard to leave behind. It isn't long before the sisters face the facts; life's better when they are together. *CREDITS Executive Producers: Bebe Winans, Derrick Williams, Adriane Hopper, Ngozi Paul, Breanne Laplante, Rosemary Tarquinio, Gilles Laplante; Director: Robert Adetuyi; Writer: W Stewart.
Production Company:
- DNA Media Group
Production Type:
- Independent
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