In the Gloaming
In the Gloaming
Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Sunday, April 20, 1997 | N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day) |
- Season: 1996-97
- Network: HBO
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Movies
- Subject Matter: Medical/Disease/Mental Illness, Gay Themed/LGBTQ+, Family Drama
- Misc.: 1 Hour
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Plot Synopsis
Based on the short story by Alice Elliott Dark. A young man stricken with AIDS returns to his wealthy WASP home to live out his last days. His family members are emotionally handicapped by denial and detachment. His mother becomes a doting caregiver. As he he battles the final stages of the disease, they begin to bridge the emotional gulf that has separated them. Ultimately, his journey home brings spiritual healing to his angst ridden family.
- Frederick Zollo - Executive Producer
- Nicholas Paleologos - Executive Producer
- Michael Fuchs - Executive Producer
- Nellie Nugiel - Producer
- Bonnie Timmermann - Co-Producer
- Christopher Reeve - Director
- Will Scheffer - Writer
Production Company:
- Frederick Zollo Prods. IAW HBO NYC
Production Type:
- In-House
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