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Matchmaker Mysteries: A Fatal Romance

Matchmaker Mysteries: A Fatal Romance

Air Date Rating Share Against the
Saturday, April 25, 2020 N/A
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day)
  • Season: 2019-2020
  • Network: Hallmark Movies/Myst
  • Genre: Mystery
  • Category: Movies
  • Subject Matter: Murder and Murder Mystery, Cops/Detectives/Law Enforcement

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Plot Synopsis

The second installment in the Hallmark "Matchmaker Mysteries" TV movie franchise. Preparing to moderate a writera' panel at a romance convention, professional matchmaker Angie Dove is surprised to run into her old college boyfriend, Ethan Plume, who has just taken the reins at his family's publishing house. But a bigger shock is yet to come, as bestselling writer Beatrice Penn suddenly takes ill onstage, the victim of a fatal dose of poison. Though bad blood between Ethan and Beatrice makes him the prime suspect, Angie knows he's incapable of murder. And while she's promised to cooperate with Detective Kyle Carter's probe, she's not about to sit idly by when Ethan is charged with the crime. She soon launches her investigation with the same sharp instincts and clever strategies she brings to matchmaking and begins to unravel the mystery behind Beatrice's death. As she and Kyle grow used to crossing paths, they continue to find common ground, and perhaps something more. However, in her determination to find the real killer, Angie may unwittingly be putting herself at risk.


Production Company:

  • Two 4 The Money Media

Production Type:

  • Independent
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