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Nashville Legacy, A

Nashville Legacy, A

Air Date Rating Share Against the
Sunday, February 26, 2023 N/A
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day)
  • Season: 2022-2023
  • Network: Hallmark Movies/Myst
  • Genre: Mystery
  • Category: Movies
  • Subject Matter: Black Story, Hollywood/Show Biz

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(That We Know Of)

Plot Synopsis

Naima, who got her love of music from her late grandmother, moves to Nashville to intern at a prestigious museum, while pursuing a PhD in ethnomusicology. At the museum, she meets Damian, a volunteer and music producer and feels immediate chemistry, but is focused on her work and finding a subject for her dissertation. Luckily, as she is looking into the backstory of some donated items, a beautiful vintage dress leads Naima to uncovering a mystery surrounding a classic hit and the perfect dissertation focus. As Naima and Damian develop a friendship, he works with her to investigate the secret surrounding the dress but they soon find that the truth hits closer to home than either of them realized. The secret, which just might involve a prominent music producer, also threatens to make waves in the local community and in Naima and Damian's budding romance. With her romance and new job at risk, Naima must deicide if she will keep the decades long secret or finally let the truth come to light. *Featuring Tamara Chauniece, Kasi Jones and Stacy Johnson of world-renowned vocal group The Shindellas performing an original song and cameos from musical artists Curt Chambers and Ruben Studdard. Filmed on location at the National Museum of African American Music in Nashville, Tennessee. CREDITS: Executive Producer: Silvia Mathis; Director: Roger M. Bobb; Writers: Randall Jahnson, Maclain Nelson, Nina Weinman.

Production Company:

  • WulfPak Productions

Production Type:

  • Independent
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