Papa's Angels
Papa's Angels
Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Sunday, December 03, 2000 | 9.6 | 15 | 2 |
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day) |
- Season: 2000-2001
- Network: CBS
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Movies
- Subject Matter: Holiday Themed, Period Piece, Family Drama
- Based On: Papa's Angels: A Christmas Story written by Collin Paxton, Gary Carden
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Plot Synopsis
Based on the book by Collin Wilcox Paxton and Gary Carden. In 1938 Appalachia, an irresponsible father must hold his family together when his wife becomes terminally ill. Overcome by grief, he loses his passion for life and family and refuses to celebrate Christmas . His children band together and with their undying love are able to bring about an unearthly visit from his departed wife's heavenly spirit.
- Marian Rees - Executive Producer
- Scott Bakula - Executive Producer
- Tom Spiroff - Executive Producer
- Anne Hopkins - Producer
- Eda Lishman - Producer
- Dwight Little - Director
- Bill Cain - Writer
Production Company:
- Marian Rees Assoc. IAW Bakula Prods.
Production Type:
- Independent
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