Prince William
Prince William
Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Sunday, September 29, 2002 | 4.5 | 8 | 4 |
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day) |
- Season: 2002-2003
- Network: ABC
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Movies
- Subject Matter: Biography, Foreign/Exotic Location
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Plot Synopsis
The coming-of-age of the royal prince and heir to the British throne. After the 1997 death of his beloved mother, Princess Diana, William struggles to have a relationship with his emotionally distant but loving father, Prince Charles, while continuing his battle to protect the memory of his mother. While at Eton William becomes a ''teen idol'' as he tries to deal with the immense pressure of his social responsibilities.
- Bonnie Raskin - Executive Producer
- Keith Thompson - Producer
- Morgan O'Sullivan - Co-Producer
- James Flynn - Co-Producer
- Michael Watkins - Director
- Max Enscoe - Writer
- Annie de Young - Writer
Production Company:
- Fox Television Studios
Production Type:
- Independent
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