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Tipline Mysteries: Dial 1 for Murder

Tipline Mysteries: Dial 1 for Murder

Air Date Rating Share Against the
Friday, June 07, 2024 N/A
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day)
  • Season: 2023-2024
  • Network: Hallmark Movies/Myst
  • Genre: Mystery
  • Category: Movies
  • Subject Matter: Murder and Murder Mystery, Cops/Detectives/Law Enforcement

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Plot Synopsis

Maddie Moore is a concierge at a hotel in Detroit, Michigan who moonlights at "Detroit Free Press" in their tipline department. Most nights, calls run anywhere from alien sightings to lost cats. One night, however, Maddie receives a cryptic call warning of a jewelry heist. When Maddie brings this to the police, she finds that her usual, complacent contact has retired and has been replaced by the newly promoted Detective Beeks. Unfortunately, despite his stellar reputation as an officer, Detective Beeks doesn't take Maddie's anonymous tips any more seriously than his predecessor. Maddie, who has always taken exhaustive notes, isn't ready to let it go. Using an app that allows her to listen into the city's police scanner, she overhears a dispatch call about a jewelry heist involving a possible homicide. Immediately connecting it to the anonymous tip, Maddie rushes to the scene of the crime only for Detective Beeks to turn her away. Undeterred, Maddie decides to investigate on her own, sometimes using her day job as a cover, and she continues to cross paths with Detective Beeks. When Maddie's insights prove to be useful, Detective Beeks reluctantly joins forces with her. However, when the investigation takes a dangerous turn, Maddie begins to worry that her number just might be up. *CREDITS: Executive Producers: Aidan Heatley, Ben C. Silverman, Michael R. Goldstein, Alexandre Coscas, Todd Hoffman, David Hamlin, Fernando Szew; Director: Cynde Harmon; Writer: Christine Conradt.

Production Company:

  • Timeless Pictures IAW USA Today & Gannett Co.; MarVista Entertainment

Production Type:

  • Independent
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