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EXCLUSIVE Interview with Robert Herjavec of SHARK TANK

Maj Canton - February 24, 2012



Robert Herjavec, one of the Top 100 entrepreneurs in North America, grew his business from $400k in sales to a run rate of over $80 million in less than five years, and is a fitness junkie who races & collects rare Ferraris. He can often be found dividing his time between his diverse investments, hosting major charitable events, and running respectable times in the world's toughest marathons. He is also one of the top celebrity racecar drivers in the Ferrari Challenge Series. Robert took time from his busy money-making schedule to talk us about life in the SHARK TANK.


SHARK TANK airs Friday nights on ABC at 8pm. Plus, on Friday, February 24, 2012, Sharks @LoriGreiner and @kevinolearytv will have a live Twitter chat starting at 7:30pm ET, just before the East Coast airing.



TV Tango: How would you classify the Sharks that swim in your tank?

Robert Herjavec:

  • Mark Cuban: Great White Shark (He devours anything)
  • Myself: Tiger Shark (I’m fast and lethal)
  • Kevin O’Leary: Hammerhead Shark (Always about the money -- it’s only one thing with him.)
  • Daymond John: Bull Shark (He’s sweet looking but out of the blue he’ll bite you)
  • Barbara Corcoran: A Guppy (Too soft and doesn’t bite back. But I must say she has had the fastest success with her SHARK TANK investments. She turns those businesses around. We’ve all learned to respect her.)

TV Tango: If you Sharks were beached on a desert island, which Shark would you want to be with?

Robert Herjavec: Well, I’d kill O’Leary and Cuban; so I’d have to say Daymond. He’s a nice guy and he’s very entertaining. Of all the Sharks he is the one I've become closest to.

TV Tango: Over the past two seasons, have you invested in a pitch that you regret?

Robert Herjavec: No, not really. I haven’t made any money with any of them yet, but it takes time to build a business. I invest for the long term. Barbara and I invested in Grease Monkey Wipes. We had a great launch, but we had to shut it down when one of the entrepreneurs decided to go back to school.

TV Tango: What pitch do wish you would have gotten that one of the other Sharks beat you out of?

Robert Herjavec: None. Out of sight out of mind. I just keep moving on.

TV Tango: Sometimes it’s like an episode of BAD GIRLS CLUB or THE REAL HOUSEWIVES. How much of the nasty name-calling is real?

Robert Herjavec: It’s very real. In the moment I’m pissed off; I get emotional. I feel bad, but we do respect each other. We are in the studio for hours and weeks shooting all the episodes and believe me after about two hours you don’t even think about the cameras. You’re really in the moment. The entrepreneurs are in front of us for over an hour that gets edited down to about a 10-minute segment. We don’t do reshoots.

TV Tango: What is the one thing that irritates you the most when investors are pitching to you?

Robert Herjavec: They don’t put in the hard work -- don’t make sales calls, don’t listen to their customers. They make excuses for everything. 

TV Tango: After the show, how much due diligence do you get to do after you commit to invest in the pitch? Can you back out?

Robert Herjavec: We do as much as we want. It can be a fast process if the entrepreneur is prepared, or a lengthy one if we find the entrepreneur misrepresented the facts about the company.

TV Tango: While SHARK TANK is meant to be entertaining, what is the one thing that viewers can learn and should learn from watching?

Robert Herjavec: You have five people with different business backgrounds, all self-made millionaires teaching you the drama of the great dream…how do I get ahead? You also learn the questions you need to ask when starting a business.

TV Tango: Now that you are recognized celebrity, do people pitch you in the men’s room? What’s the craziest place/pitch?

Robert Herjavec: I get pitched everywhere, you name it. Most people always treat me with respect, but when I’m out with Kevin O’Leary, people are just plain mean to him. They give him a hard time; I have to say I don’t like going places with him. Daymond is great to go out with -- he’s got he right clothes and gets in to all the best clubs. The guy is really connected.

TV Tango: Does becoming wealthy change people?

Robert Herjavec: Money doesn’t really change you, it just amplifies the person you really are. Scratch the surface and you are who you are.

TV Tango: Speaking of rich people, would Donald Trump make a good Shark on SHARK TANK?

Robert Herjavec: I don’t think he’d be good in the tank. He couldn’t handle being equal with other people.

TV Tango: What are you watching on TV? What are you favorite shows?


TV Tango: Any interest in acting?  What is your fantasy TV role?

Robert Herjavec: Nope, I have no interest in acting, but I would have loved to play Ari Gold on ENTOURAGE. Great character. He says things I think of saying, but never would. I’m too nice.