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PaleyFest 2012 Recap: SONS OF ANARCHY Panel with Kurt Sutter, Katey Sagal, Theo Rossi & More

Stacee Reich - March 8, 2012





Leather, pleather, and tattoos alike gathered at the Saban Theatre last night for the PaleyFest 2012 SONS OF ANARCHY panel. Moderated by Stuart Levine from "Daily Variety," the panel -- which included Creator and Executive Producer Kurt Sutter, cast members Katey Sagal, Theo Rossi, Tommy Flanagan, Dayton Callie, Michael Ornstein, and David Labrava -- discussed their characters, dished about the upcoming season, and shared behind-the-scenes stories.

The evening began with a screening of “Hands” (Season 4, Episode 10), in which Jax and Tara explore a life outside of SAMCRO only to find that their past and present follows them in an attempt to kidnap Tara. Gemma and Clay’s tension finally explodes, and the time for change is set in motion. This episode was written by Labrava, who portrays Happy Lohman in SONS OF ANARCHY and who Sutter described as "a writer who writes everyday, not some wannabe writer with one screenplay. So we gave him a shot and he did a great job."

Throughout the night, the cast shared lots of laughter and joked around with each other, showing that they love what they do -- and each other. Katey and Kurt were very loving towards each other throughout the entire panel.


SAMCRO Characters and Life on the SOA Set


Kurt Sutter discussing Dayton Callie’s character, Unser, being in SAMCRO’s pocket or payroll: It’s not so much that Unser is in SAMCRO’s pocket, he and Clay have had an understanding -- or an alliance of sorts -- that formed into a friendship over the years. They both wanted to keep Charming safe they just had different ways of going about it.


Kurt Sutter about Opie’s rough life: Opie never really recovered from his time spent in jail. He came out after five years to a family where his kids didn’t really know him and his wife was so afraid and against this lifestyle. With the pressure from the club, he was being pulled in two different directions. I think his marrying Lila forces him to really begin to mourn the death of Donna. Then with Clay killing his old man, it just was too much for Opie to just give in and sit at that table. He’s a man who needs time to process and really think about his situation. Can he really come back from everything that’s happened?




Tommy Flanagan's thoughts about how Chibs has evolved over the seasons: Season r was really the birth of Chibs.  During the first three seasons, Chibs is in a really dark place, and after Jimmy died he gets his family back -- that has brought him back to life. Then in Season 4, they’re separated again and he’s about to go CRAZY!




Katey Sagal's comments on Gemma this past season: Gemma stayed with Clay until the end, giving him the benefit of the doubt until he “couldn’t be saved.” Gemma was more of an observer, and somewhat passive until she got exactly what she wanted -- Jax at the head of the table.




Question: What's Kurt like on set?


David Labrava: When he comes by [set], its like, “Be cool. Be cool.”  [They all laugh.]


Katey Sagal: Everyone is really excited and eager to get the next script.


Dayton Callie: Yeah, I grab the script and [check to see] “Am I f****** alive?"


Kurt Sutter: Spoken like a man with cancer.


Dayton Callie: My father lived 37 years with cancer, just saying.  [Laughter]


Season 5 Scoop



Question: What's coming up in Season 5.


Everyone on the panel stared at Kurt for answers

Kurt Sutter: I always wanted to see Jax at the head of the table.  Wasn’t sure how or when, but I always wanted that story to play out -- especially seeing his struggle as king. Can he run a gun-selling motorcycle club without becoming Clay or will he then fail like John? Watching the struggle between the two fathers will be interesting to explore. As for story, [he laughs] I have such a big mouth. I can tell you were starting the season about a month later so they’ve had some time, but not too much. We’re definitely continuing Tigs storyline of killing Damon Pope’s daughter and seeing how that plays out and trying to figure out the rest now.




Question: Will Tig and Gemma be an item?


Kurt Sutter: Tig always been somewhat of a third wheel with Gemma and Clay and even in season three when they kiss Tig is the one to stop it.


Katey Sagal: She has such deep relationships with all these men and their lifestyle with the clothes and the motorcycles and what not, that there’s a lot of “hot energy” all around that it wouldn’t be surprising if something like this happened. Pay close attention to the relationships this season.




Question: Will Chibs stay loyal to Jax?


Tommy Flanagan: Yes, definitely. When Clay found Chibs, he was a young man and he looked up to Clay like a father. At the time Jax was just a child and Chibs and Jax formed a father-son-like relationship. Chibs is torn between the two, but always chooses Jax.




Question: Where do you want to see your characters go in Season 5?


Katey Segal: [Jokingly] More Gemma. Gemma’s world has been turned upside down. She’s estranged from her husband, her son has taken power, she’s no longer the Queen bee and it will be interesting to see how she handles herself.  I hope she’s all f****d up.  Gemma should be at the head of the table.

Theo Rossi: I don’t expect anything.  I love the show, I’m a fan and everything they throw at me I love; so I don’t expect anything. Whatever happens is fantastic.


Tommy Flanagan: [Jokingly] Speaking clearly maybe. Chibs knows what’s going on. He realizes the club is falling apart, and I think he’ll really step up and support Jax 100%.


Dayton Callie: One thing -- just give Unser an opportunity to duck. No matter what’s coming his way, give him a chance to duck!


Michael Ornstein: I’m looking forward to losing more limbs.


David Labrava: I want to KILL! KILL! KILL!

Other Highlights from the Panel

Here are four more fun facts, trivial tidbits, and real revelations from last night's panel:

  • Steven Tyler, lead singer of Aerosmith and AMERICAN IDOL judge, was meant to play Dondo, the ex porn star turned director; David Hasselhoff got the job instead when Tyler went on tour.
  • Theo Rossi showed up to SUPER 8 premier in full SOA costume with tattoos and Mohawk, stood between Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay and totally freaked out Tom Cruise. [Off the set, Rossi wears his mohawk and fake tattoos all season to avoid going through a lengthy makeup session every day.]

  • The cast teases Ron Perlman about his motorcycle riding abilities. Kurt said "It’s hard to get the shot when we have to put him on the 'pussy rig,'" referring to a fake motorcycle rig that can only be shot from the neck up. Tommy Flanagan mimicked his co-stars face as if he was on a bike topping out at 11 mph.
  • Kurt Sutter talked about a prequel to SONS OF ANARCHY for FX: “I see it completely different from SONS. It will be a more social, political and historical show about the '60s and Vietnam. Showing their lives before.”