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Beyond Black Beauty

Beyond Black Beauty

  • Premiered: 
    March 19, 2024
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Family
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Drama
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
    Based on the 1877 book (Black Beauty: His Grooms and Companions, the Autobiography of a Horse) by Anna Sewell 
  • Subject Matter:
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    Season 1

Plot Synopsis

Inspired by Anna Sewell's 1877 "Black Beauty" novel, BEYOND BLACK BEAUTY is a half-hour drama series that follows young equestrian Jolie Dumont, whose Olympic dreams are dashed when her mother moves them from Belgium to her family's urban ranch in Baltimore. An angry 15-year-old Jolie wants to escape until she bonds with a spirited horse named Black Beauty. Jolie will learn to embrace her heritage while continuing toward her Olympic-hopeful future and discover the value of family and home. BEYOND BLACK BEAUTY made its U.S. debut on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 on Prime Video, which released all 11 episodes.


Production & Distribution

  • Produced by Sinking Ship Entertainment
  • Produced by Leif Films
  • Produced by Saga Film


  • - Baltimore, Maryland USA