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The Colbert Report

Episode List: The Colbert Report

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Date Episode # Title Network Rating Share Viewers  (↓) Watch/Purchase
06/21/2007   with: Vincent Bugliosi.  Comedy Central       
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06/25/2007   with: Tom Hayden.  Comedy Central       
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06/26/2007   with: David France.  Comedy Central       
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06/27/2007   with: Daniel Gilbert.  Comedy Central       
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06/28/2007   with: Doug Bailey.  Comedy Central       
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07/16/2007   with: Ben Nelson.  Comedy Central       
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07/17/2007   with: Mark W. Moffett.  Comedy Central       
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07/18/2007   with: John Mellencamp.  Comedy Central       
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07/19/2007   with: Michael Moore.  Comedy Central       
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07/23/2007   with: Simon Schama.  Comedy Central       
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07/24/2007   with: Anthony Romero.  Comedy Central       
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07/25/2007   with: Charles Kaiser.  Comedy Central       
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07/26/2007   with: Robert Shrum.  Comedy Central       
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07/30/2007   with: Evan Osnos.  Comedy Central       
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07/31/2007   with: Kathleen Kennedy Townsend.  Comedy Central       
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08/01/2007   with: Michael Beschloss.  Comedy Central       
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08/02/2007   with: Michael J. Behe.  Comedy Central       
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08/06/2007   with:  Comedy Central       
08/07/2007   with: Ian Bogost.  Comedy Central       
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08/08/2007   with: Tina Brown.  Comedy Central       
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08/09/2007   with: Judd Apatow.  Comedy Central       
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08/13/2007   with: Michael Jacobson.  Comedy Central       
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08/14/2007   with: Jerry Miller; Spencer Wells.  Comedy Central       
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08/15/2007   with: Michael Wallis.  Comedy Central       
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08/16/2007   with: Andrew Keen.  Comedy Central       
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08/20/2007   with: Nathan Sawaya.  Comedy Central       
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08/21/2007   with: Michael Shermer.  Comedy Central       
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08/22/2007   with: Richard Branson.  Comedy Central       
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08/23/2007   with: Joe Klein.  Comedy Central       
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08/27/2007   with:  Comedy Central       
08/28/2007   with:  Comedy Central       
08/29/2007   with:  Comedy Central       
08/30/2007   with:  Comedy Central       
09/03/2007   with:  Comedy Central       
09/04/2007   with:  Comedy Central       
09/05/2007   with:  Comedy Central       
09/06/2007   with:  Comedy Central       
09/10/2007   with: Bjorn Lomborg.  Comedy Central       
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09/11/2007   with: Garrison Keillor.  Comedy Central       
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09/12/2007   with: Joel Klein.  Comedy Central       
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09/13/2007   with: Ed Begley, Jr.  Comedy Central       
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09/17/2007   with:  Comedy Central       
09/18/2007   with: Susan Sarandon.  Comedy Central       
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09/19/2007   with: Naomi Wolf.  Comedy Central       
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09/20/2007   with: Jeff Toobin.  Comedy Central       
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09/24/2007   with: Tom Friedman.  Comedy Central       
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09/25/2007   with: John Grisham.  Comedy Central       
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09/26/2007   with: Tony Bennett.  Comedy Central       
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09/27/2007   with: David Schwartz.  Comedy Central       
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10/01/2007   with: Charlie Savage.  Comedy Central       
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