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The Colbert Report

Episode List: The Colbert Report

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Date Episode # Title Network Rating Share Viewers  (↓) Watch/Purchase
12/27/2007   with:  Comedy Central       
01/01/2008   with:  Comedy Central       
01/02/2008   with:  Comedy Central       
01/03/2008   with:  Comedy Central       
01/07/2008   with: Andrew Sullivan; Paul Krugman.  Comedy Central       
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01/08/2008   with: Michael Pollan.  Comedy Central       
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01/09/2008   with: Mike Huckabee.  Comedy Central       
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01/10/2008   with: Muhammad Yunus.  Comedy Central       
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01/14/2008   with: Neil Shubin.  Comedy Central       
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01/15/2008   with: Jared Cohen.  Comedy Central       
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01/16/2008   with: Deborah Tannen.  Comedy Central       
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01/17/2008   with: David Levy.  Comedy Central       
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01/21/2008   with: Eric Weiner.  Comedy Central       
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01/22/2008   with: Andrew Young.  Comedy Central       
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01/23/2008   with: Andrew McLean.  Comedy Central       
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01/24/2008   with: Charles Nesson.  Comedy Central       
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01/28/2008   with: Rick Warren.  Comedy Central       
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01/29/2008   with: Alex Ross.  Comedy Central       
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01/30/2008   with: Frans de Waal.  Comedy Central       
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01/31/2008   with: Andrew Napolitano.  Comedy Central       
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02/04/2008   with: Jacob Weisberg.  Comedy Central       
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02/05/2008   with: Bob Dole.  Comedy Central       
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02/06/2008   with: Richard Brookhiser.  Comedy Central       
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02/07/2008   with: Mike Huckabee; Mark Moffett.  Comedy Central       
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02/11/2008   with: Philip Zimbardo.  Comedy Central       
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02/12/2008   with: Eliot Spitzer; Lisa Randall.  Comedy Central       
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02/13/2008   with: David Gracer; Richard Thompson Ford.  Comedy Central       
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02/14/2008   with: Leonard Nimoy; John Feinstein.  Comedy Central       
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02/26/2008   with: Henry Louis Gates, Jr.  Comedy Central       
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02/27/2008   with: Tony Snow.  Comedy Central       
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02/28/2008   with: Ingrid Newkirk.  Comedy Central       
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03/03/2008   with: Lorin Maazel; Dr. Shashi Tharoor.  Comedy Central       
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03/04/2008   with: Jennifer 8 Lee.  Comedy Central       
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03/05/2008   with: Gregory Rodriguez.  Comedy Central       
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03/06/2008   with: John Legend.  Comedy Central       
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03/10/2008   with: George McGovern.  Comedy Central       
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03/11/2008   with: Geraldo Rivera.  Comedy Central       
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03/12/2008   with: Howard Kurtz.  Comedy Central       
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03/13/2008   with: Sudhir Venkatesh.  Comedy Central       
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03/17/2008   with: Samantha Power.  Comedy Central       
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03/18/2008   with: Carole King.  Comedy Central       
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03/19/2008   with: Dee Dee Myers.  Comedy Central       
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03/20/2008   with: Dean Kamen.  Comedy Central       
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03/31/2008   with: Eric Alterman; Michael Reynolds.  Comedy Central       
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04/01/2008   with: Van Jones.  Comedy Central       
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04/02/2008   with: REM; Susan Jacoby.  Comedy Central       
04/03/2008   with: Clay Shirky.  Comedy Central       
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04/07/2008   with: Jesse Ventura.  Comedy Central       
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04/08/2008   with: Madeleine Albright.  Comedy Central       
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04/09/2008   with: Jeff Gore.  Comedy Central       
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