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The Curious Case of Natalia Grace

The Curious Case of Natalia Grace

  • Premiered: 
    May 29, 2023
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: ID
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
  • Subject Matter: Crime
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Plot Synopsis

THE CURIOUS CASE OF NATALIA GRACE is a three-part documentary that explores a mystery ripped straight from the headlines: Who is Natalia Barnett? Initially assumed to be a 6-year-old Ukrainian orphan with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, a rare bone growth disorder that can result in skeletal abnormalities as well as issues with hearing and vision, Natalia was adopted by Kristine and Michael Barnett in 2010. However, the happy family dynamic soured when allegations against Natalia were brought by the Barnetts who alleged Natalia was an adult masquerading as a child with intent to harm their family. In 2013, Natalia was discovered living on her own which ignited an investigation that led to Michael and Kristine's arrest and a firestorm of questions. Featuring exclusive bombshell interviews with members of Natalia's adoptive family including father Michael Barnett and brother Jacob Barnett, as well as relatives, friends, legal experts, and neighbors of Natalia and the Barnett family, THE CURIOUS CASE OF NATALIA GRACE offers a never-before-seen glimpse into the Barnett family, Natalia's identity, Michael Barnett's October 2022 trial, as well as key insights into new theories and evidence. Unfolding over multiple parts and three consecutive nights on ID, the docuseries presents an unparalleled deep dive into this shocking family saga tracing all the way from Natalia's birth in Ukraine up to the arrest and subsequent legal proceedings around Michael Barnett on charges of neglect. THE CURIOUS CASE OF NATALIA GRACE is a three-night event that premieres 9-11pm ET/PT on Investigation Discovery nightly from Monday, May 29 through Wednesday, May 31, 2023:

"Orphan or Imposter?" (Monday, May 29, 2023 from 9-11pm): The Barnetts adopt Natalia, an allegedly six-year-old orphan from Ukraine -- but things may not be what they seem. The couple fears they may have an adult in their home who could want to hurt them. Are the Barnetts telling the truth, or is it all lies?

"Victim or Villain?" (Tuesday, May 30, 2023 from 9-11pm): Natalia moves to her new apartment, where she lives solo as a re-aged adult. Soon she's accused of antagonizing and stalking her neighbors. The now-divorced Barnetts face a police probe after leaving Natalia in what some describe as unlivable conditions.

"Barnett vs. Barnett" (Wednesday, May 31, 2023 from 9-11pm): At Michael's trial, he turns on his former wife while the judge makes a ruling that could help his case. Kristine's trial looms in the distance as Michael awaits his fate, and a mysterious witness has information that could impact both Barnetts.

Production & Distribution

  • Produced by Hot Snakes Media