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Meet the Ancestors

Episode List: Meet the Ancestors

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Date  (↑) Episode # Title Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
  A Roman Plot         
  At the Sign of the Eagle         
  Billy and the Fighter Boys         
  Bones in the Barnyard         
  Britain's Oldest House         
  Desert Rescue         
  Doomsday Fire         
  Friends, Romans and Countrymen         
  Hunter of the Plain         
  Killing Field         
  Lady of the Sands         
  Living with the Ancestors         
  Malaria and the Fall of Rome         
  Napoleon's Lost Army         
  Nelson's Forgotten Heroes         
  Our Top Ten Treasures         
  The Architect, the Clerk and the Money         
  The Bishop's Men         
  The Black Hand         
  The Chosen One         
  The Curse of Oxford Gaol         
  The French Connection         
  The Hunt for Darwin's Beagle         
  The Lost City of Roman Britain         
  The Lost Palace of Hampton Court         
  The Lost Souls         
  The Princess of the City         
  The Rose Garden Mystery         
  The Stonehenge Enigma         
  The Tomb That Time Forgot         
  The Ultimate Sacrifice         
  The Wolf Den         
  Treasures of the Dark Age         
  Winds of Change         