Operation: Vacation
Operation: Vacation

- Network: Logo
- Category: Series
- Genre: Reality
- Type: Live Action
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- Tags: vacation
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Plot Synopsis
Each week, hosts Karl Schmid and Claire Newell meet a group of family and friends who have nominated one deserving person in their lives to receive a dream getaway, and then surprise the unsuspecting person with the life-changing news about their perfect vacation experience. Besides revealing their stories, relationships, hardships and triumphs, OPERATION: VACATION follows people who always wanted to see the world but haven't yet had the chance, because they've always put others first. The selfless people who received surprise vacations in Season 1 included: Dakota Meredith, who lives in and out of the hospital due to her disease; Dan & Dixie Mack, who are dealing with the loss of their eldest daughter; Julianna Vittorio, who was nominated by the Kidsafe staff; and many more deserving recipients. OPERATION: VACATION returned for its second season on Tuesday, June 24, 2014 at 7pm ET/PT on Logo. The Season 2 premiere featured single mother Laura Freeman, who has cancer that has metastasized in her skull. While it's currently under control with drugs, it is inoperable, and her family worries she will never have the chance to see the world. Subsequent episodes of the second season featured: 20-year-old Ceilidh Millar, who banks over 40 volunteer hours each week and was surprised with a Viking Splash Tour of Dublin; and many more deserving people who were surprised with vacations of a lifetime.
On Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 7pm ET/PT, Logo debuted the Season 2 finale of OPERATION: VACATION. The series ender follows Mike Langlois, who has had a string of setbacks in his life. His father left when Mike was 13, and he had to get a job to help pay rent. In his early 20s, he lost all of his possessions after his young family moved into apartment infested with bed bugs. A couple years ago, he lost his grandmother (who was a huge part of his life) to Alzheimer's.
- Karl Schmid - Host
- Claire Newell - Host
Production & Distribution
- Produced by Convergent Entertainment