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  • Premiered: 
    September 24, 2024
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Netflix
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Drama
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
    Created by Mark Duplass & Mel Eslyn 
  • Subject Matter:
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    Season 1

Plot Synopsis

Created by Mark Duplass and Mel Eslyn, PENELOPE is a half-hour coming-of-age drama series that focuses on Penelope, a restless 16-year-old, who questions her place in the world and embarks on a soul-searching journey into the remote wilderness of the Pacific Northwest. The story opens with Penelope on a high-school camping trip, where she feels called to abandon her family and friends to explore a new life in the wild unknown. She makes it through her first night in the forest and spends a day acquiring new wilderness skills through exhausting trial and error. Then, just as she's starting to gain control of her environment, Penelope confronts a new challenge when an uninvited guest crashes her campsite. All eight episodes of PENELOPE dropped on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 on Netflix.


Production & Distribution

  • Produced by Duplass Brothers Productions