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Polly and the Zhu Zhu Pets

Episode List: Polly and the Zhu Zhu Pets

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Date Episode #  (↓) Title Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
09/12/2016 01-001  Happy Bounciversary; Say It, Don't Spray It  Disney       
09/13/2016   Home Run Hamsters; Chip Off the Old Chunk  Disney       
09/14/2016   Walter-gate; Janitor Day  Disney       
09/15/2016   Goldfish Fingers; Skate-lebrity  Disney       
09/16/2016   Zombie Sleep Over; The No-Kart Race  Disney       
10/07/2016   Storming the Cat Castle; Ha Ha Hamsters  Disney       
10/21/2016   Fur-Vivor; Zhuper Girl  Disney