Sakamoto Days
Sakamoto Days

- Network: Netflix
- Category: Series
- Genre: Comedy (Sitcom)
- Type: Animated
- Concept:Based on the graphic novels (Sakamoto Days) by Yuto Suzuki
- Subject Matter: Adventure
- Tags: anime
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Season 1
Plot Synopsis
Based on Yuto Suzuki's manga of the same name, SAKAMOTO DAYS is a half-hour anime that follows legendary ex-hitman Taro Sakamoto, as he bands with comrades to face off against the looming threat of assassins to ensure a peaceful life with his beloved family. Sakamoto and company run wild in no-holds-barred, over-the-top battles that have stolen the spotlight and captivated audiences far and wide. In a world overrun by assassins like the special force "The Order" from the Japanese Association of Assassins (JAA), and a mysterious individual called "X (Slur)" targeting assassins, what is the true meaning of strength for Sakamoto? Get ready for non-stop assassin action as chaos ensues in the ordinary (and not-so-ordinary) life of Sakamoto and his comrades! SAKAMOTO DAYS debuted on Saturday, January 11, 2025 on Netflix, which released the first episode. A new installment drops each Saturday through March 22.
- Matthew Mercer - Taro Sakamoto
- Dallas Liu - Shin Asakura
- Rosie Okumura - Aoi Sakamoto
- Rosalie Chiang - Lu Shaotang
- Alexis 'Alexa Bliss' Kaufman - Obiguro
- Xolo Mariduena - Heisuke Mashimo
- SungWon Cho - Boiled
- Dushaunt 'Fik-Shun' Stegall - Son Hee
- Toru Uchikado - Bacho
- Aleks Le - Nagumo