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Seeking Sister Wife

Seeking Sister Wife

  • Premiered: 
    January 14, 2018
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: TLC
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Reality
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
  • Subject Matter: Family
  • Tags: relationship, sister wife

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Plot Synopsis

SEEKING SISTER WIFE is a one-hour reality series that follows three families -- the Alldredges, the Brineys and the Snowdens -- all of whom are in various phases of seeking, dating or transitioning a new sister wife into their lives. The series reveals the triumphs, frustrations and heartaches of each family as they navigate through this life-changing process, as the husbands and wives date online, and in person, while exploring the ins and outs of seeking and incorporating a new wife into their family structure. With three husbands, six wives, and 24 children residing between three households, drama is bound to unfold at every turn. Although peace and harmony can be fleeting, and disagreements inevitably arise, these families are determined to open their hearts and homes to a new wife, even if they have to withstand a few growing pains along the way. The three families include:

Ashley and Dimitri Snowden are an African-American family who live in Atlanta, Georgia with their two adorable children, ages two and four. To the naked eye, they are a typical family -- the only difference is that they are on the hunt for a sister wife. Ashley is on her third and last pregnancy, but she and Dimitri want to continue expanding their family. Although the couple recently experienced the heartache of a plural relationship that went sour, they are ready to start looking again for a compatible and committed woman who wants to have children. The Snowdens do not subscribe to the Mormon faith, but they have a spiritual union and adhere to a moral code. They have purposefully abstained from a legal marriage under the eyes of the law in order to ensure equality with their future wife.

Jeff, Vanessa and Sharis Alldredge are a fundamentalist Mormon family. Jeff met Vanessa and Sharis within a year of each other and spiritually married them. They have seven children combined, all under the age of seven, and they live together in one house where the women share the household duties as well as a husband. As polygamists, the Alldredges believe their family is never complete and they plan to expand their family as large as God sees fit. They are actively dating and in search of their third wife.

Drew, April, Auralee and Angela Briney: Adding a new family member can cause a lot of turmoil in the plural lifestyle and the Briney family is no exception to the rule. After a two-week courtship, Drew Briney recently added a third wife to the family, and for the first time, he and his wives, April, Auralee and Angela, along with their 15 children, are all moving into the same house together. April is Drew's first and legal wife, and she has no qualms exercising control over the other wives. Although April and Auralee have known each other for years, they bump heads and don't always see eye to eye. Angela -- the newest wife who had trouble conceiving for 20 years --
found out that she was pregnant months after she joined the family. While April and Auralee are excited to love Angela, they hardly know her. All three women are trying to establish their new normal, but it has been a bumpy ride thus far.

The sophomore season of SEEKING SISTER WIFE premiered on Sunday, January 20, 2019 at 10pm ET/PT on TLC. In the season opener, "It's Time to Start Seeking Again!," the Snowdens and the Alldredges are both courting a new sister wife! The Winders live in southern Utah and keep their plural marriage secret fearing persecution. The McGee family feel they've been called to polygamy and are ready to search for a 2nd wife. The families featured in Season 2 include:

Ashley and Dimitri Snowden: Since their failed attempts at courtship last season, Dimitri and Ashley have started dating Vanessa, a vivacious woman from Seattle. By all accounts, Vanessa seems like the sister wife of their dreams - someone whose rapport with Ashley is equal to her chemistry with Dimitri. In the midst of their budding romance, the Snowdens decide to move across the country from Atlanta to California and invite Vanessa to leave her life in Seattle and start this new journey with them. Their courtship veers into unpredictable territory as Vanessa has to jump a multitude of hurdles in order to earn a commitment and Ashley's blessing to become intimate with Dimitri. And ultimately, the trio must confront formidable naysayers who could jeopardize their tender romance.

Jeff, Vanessa and Sharis Alldredge: The Alldredges also embark on a new beginning as transplants to Hot Springs, South Dakota. Regrouping from last season's devastating outcome of their courtship with Melina and Vanessa's molar pregnancy, they are in the process of building a vast new compound in which they ultimately intend to house more sister wives and more children. With renewed hope, the Alldredges find a sensual woman named Jennifer and begin courting! But after an epic rendezvous at Niagara Falls, Jennifer's sudden change in behavior blindsides the family.

Paige and Bernie McGee: After a fire destroyed their Brandon, Mississippi house, Paige and Bernie moved with their two young sons and two dogs into a tiny mobile camper. Rather than letting it get them down, the McGees seize this as an opportunity to embrace a fresh start. Bernie and Paige were previously seeking a sister wife for several years, but their previous attempts sparked jealousy in Paige. After taking a break from the search, they are now ready to dust the cobwebs off their dating profile and put themselves back on the market! Their foray into online dating yields a promising candidate named Brandy, and they seem to be on a fast track to plural harmony, until Paige's jealousy returns and threatens their hope of ever expanding the McGee tribe.

Colton, Tami and Sophie Winder: First wife, Tami, and second wife, Sophie, have developed a harmonious way of splitting Colton's time despite living in two separate but nearby communities in Southern Utah. They all find common ground in their fundamentalist Mormon beliefs, but were excommunicated from the church for practicing polygamy. Although Colton and Tami have been married to Sophie for about a year, the trio has yet to expose themselves as polygamists to the public. They encounter obstacles and supporters in unexpected places as they begin to test the waters of being openly plural. After struggling to find someone that meets the criteria they are looking for in a sister wife, the Winders finally find a prospect who is interested in the family, but she is not interested in revealing herself to the world as being plural. This presents a stark reminder about the perils of being openly polygamous and they are forced to make a decision: should they push forward in their attempts to go public and hopefully normalize their lifestyle, while risking losing someone that could be the next member of their family?

Season 3 of SEEKING SISTER WIFE premiered on Monday, March 22, 2021 at 8pm ET/PT on TLC. With two returning families and three brand new couples looking for love, Seeking Sister Wife returns, noisier than ever. From a 90 DAY twist featuring a Brazilian bombshell and a divorce, to an explosive live-in battle of the hearts, all in the midst of a quarantine, this season is offering a wildly unfiltered and compelling look into these families' ups and downs as they date in this arguably unconventional world. The families include:

Snowden Family (returning): After a heartbreaking split from their sister wife Vanessa, Dimitri and Ashley Snowden are still in LA and back in the dating game with not one, but two girlfriends! Christeline, a single mother who lives in South Africa, and Tayler, a spunky henna artist from Atlanta, Georgia. Will this new plural dynamic be the Snowdens' dream come true - or a nightmare?

Winder Family (returning): The Winders are a Mormon Fundamentalist plural family in Southern Utah. Colton and his first wife, Tami, have one daughter. Now, Sophie, his second wife, is expecting their first child: a baby boy! They recently all moved in together, and they have a potential sister wife on the hook named Kimberley! While the girls are excited, Colton seems to be the one on the fence about adding to their plural family.

Merrifield Family (new): Dannielle and Garrick Merrifield live in Colorado, have been happily married for 13 years and now they are getting divorced, for polygamy! Garrick believes God led them to a plural lifestyle, and once Dannielle agreed, it wasn't long before they met their dream sister wife, a Brazilian bombshell named Roberta, who speaks only Portuguese. The Merrifields love her so much that they are divorcing so Garrick can legally marry Roberta and get her a visa to come and live with them in Colorado. When they reunite in Mexico, Dannielle begins to question their future together.

Clark Family (new): Jarod Clark and his two queens, Vanessa and Kaleh, live in North Carolina. While Jarod and Vanessa are moving into a new house, their sister wife Kaleh has not been feeling like a valuable member of the family. The Clarks are trying to mend their plural relationship before adding more sister wives to it, but when they confront Kaleh about the tension between them, she doesn't have the reaction they hoped for.

Jones Family (new): Sidian and Tosha Jones live in Idaho, where Tosha was once Sidian's second wife, until the first wife left them. After taking time to heal, Tosha and Sidian are now seeking a sister wife again but find out it's not as easy as they thought it would be to find their perfect match.

The 14-episode fourth season of SEEKING SISTER WIFE debuted on Monday, June 6, 2022 at 10pm ET/PT on TLC. Season 4 document the lives of five polygamous families as they navigate the challenges of actively searching for and courting potential new sister wives. Returning couple, Dannielle and Garrick Merrifield are still waiting for Roberta to join them in Colorado while Sidian and Tosha Jones are long-distance dating potential Filipino sister wife Arielle. New comers, Steve and Brenda Foley have decided to begin their polygamist journey again and this time with a much younger potential sister wife. Nick, April and Jennifer Davis live a polygamous relationship with a twist; although the women consider themselves to both be Nick's wives, April and Jennifer are legally married to each other, but have taken Nick's last name to solidify their family unit. They hope to expand their family and are courting a potential third sister wife. Lastly, the Epps family, Marcus, Taryn and India are a plural family actively seeking another wife to join their group but they have to overcome some growing pains.

Season 5 of SEEKING SISTER WIFE premiered on Monday, March 4, 2024 at 9pm ET/PT on TLC. The new season documents the lives of five polygamous families as they navigate the challenges of actively searching for and courting potential new sister wives. With two returning families and three new couples, these families are determined to open their hearts and homes to new wives, even if a few growing pains are felt along the way. The Davis and Merrifield families return for the new season, and they're joined by these new couples: Becky & Justin Ryan; Shane & Ashley Sherwood; Nailah & Naeem Salahuddin.
On Monday, May 27, 2024 at 9pm ET/PT, TLC premiered "Seeking Our Forever," the Season 5 finale of SEEKING SISTER WIFE. Potential sister wife Mariam sends mixed messages to Garrick; Nathalia makes her feelings known; the Davises have a big decision to make after Jasmine's sleepover; Becky and Justin question their future with Yary.


Production & Distribution

  • Produced by The Studio, aka Discovery Studios (Seasons 1-3)
  • Produced by Bright Spot Content (Seasons 4 & 5)