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Your Bleeped Up Brain

Your Bleeped Up Brain

  • Premiered: 
    July 27, 2013
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: H2
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
  • Subject Matter: Medical
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Plot Synopsis

YOUR BLEEPED UP BRAIN explores how people can be deceived, buy into superstitions, confuse fact with fiction, and have lapses in memory. Throughout history, little mental missteps have tripped up the world's greatest leaders, impacting the most important events of history. Now, in this series, journalists and magicians go into the studio and onto the streets to demonstrate how our minds play tricks on us. Each 60-minute episode has its own theme, such as: "Deception," showing why our brains are so easily fooled by simple tricks of vision, and how these tricks have been used throughout time to change the course of history; "Memory," revealing that human memory is not as good as we think and can sometimes lead to unusual consequences; "Superstition," which investigates how our minds make connections, spot patterns and attempt to see into the future; and "Lies," which uses a combination of magic tricks, psychological experiments, and stories from history to show how to better separate fact from fiction.

Production & Distribution

  • Produced by Red Marble Media