Deconstructing Sarah
Deconstructing Sarah
Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Friday, June 17, 1994 | N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
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- Season: 1993-94
- Network: USA
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Movies
- Subject Matter: Murder and Murder Mystery, Suspense/Thriller
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Plot Synopsis
A high-powered female executive has a secret nightlife that involves casual sex. One of her sexual partners, a volatile trucker, learns her secret and tries to blackmail her. Later, she vanishes and is found dead. Her best friend, a conservative wife and mother, learns of her concealed lifestyle and sets out to find her killer.
- Lee Rose - Executive Producer
- Carla Singer - Executive Producer
- Sally Young - Producer
- Craig R. Baxley - Director
- Lee Rose - Writer
Production Company:
- MTE Universal
Production Type:
- In-House
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