Finnish Line, The
Finnish Line, The
Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Sunday, December 01, 2024 | N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
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- Season: 2024-2025
- Network: Hallmark
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Movies
- Subject Matter: Action/Adventure, Foreign/Exotic Location, Animal Story
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Plot Synopsis
Inspired by her father's acclaimed legacy in dog sled racing, Anya decides to follow in his footsteps. After his passing, she heads to Finland to participate in the 40th annual Joulurauha race, her father's final race where he fell short of the victory. Following an injury to her lead dog during the qualifying race, Anya finds herself partnered with a new canine companion owned by journalist and former racer Cole, who aims to pen a story about her journey. Struggling to build trust with her new dog and facing her father's rival, Monty, Anya must navigate many challenges as she strives to win the race. *Filmed on location in Finland. Best of all, husky lovers should be thrilled because there will be plenty of sled dogs in this movie that is filmed in the Arctic Circle. *CREDITS: Executive Producers Andrew Gernhard, Molly Mayeux; Director: Dustin Rikert; Writers: John Bellina, Nicole Drespel, Andrew Glenhard.
Production Company:
- Synthetic Cinema International IAW Hero Productions; Grillifilms
Production Type:
- Independent
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