Gilda Radner: It's Always Something
Gilda Radner: It's Always Something
Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Monday, April 29, 2002 | 6.4 | 10 | 3 |
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day) |
- Season: 2001-2002
- Network: ABC
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Movies
- Subject Matter: Biography, Hollywood/Show Biz, Medical/Disease/Mental Illness
- Based On: It's Always Something written by Gilda Radner
- Misc.: Based On Book/Play
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Plot Synopsis
Based on Gilda Radner's autobiograhpy. Beginning with her childhood as a chubby girl who loved to perform to her meteoric rise as one of the Not Ready for Primetime Players on ''Saturday Night Live''. While privately battling bulimia and insecurity she eventually found love with actor Gene Wilder. They had a few glorious years together before she became ill with ovarian cancer. With Gene's unflagging support she found ways to revel in humor and hope despite her illness. She died at the age of 42 in 1989.
- Merv Griffin - Executive Producer
- Ernest Chambers - Executive Producer
- Michael Jaffe - Executive Producer
- Howard Braunstein - Executive Producer
- A.D. Oppenheim - Executive Producer
- Janet Brownell - Producer
- Clara George - Producer
- Duane Clark - Director
- Janet Brownell - Writer
Production Company:
- Touchstone TV, Merv Griffin Ent. Jaffe Braunstein IAW Winsome Ent.
Production Type:
- Independent
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