River of Rage: The Taking of Maggie Keene
River of Rage: The Taking of Maggie Keene
Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Sunday, October 03, 1993 | 12.4 | 20 | 2 |
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day) |
- Season: 1993-94
- Network: CBS
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Movies
- Subject Matter: Woman In Jeopardy
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Plot Synopsis
A divorced mother goes on a river rafting trip on the Rio Grande with her new boyfriend and discovers he is involved with a vicious drug dealer. When she witnesses his murder and that of their river guide she is forced to escape from the remote wilderness area while being hunted by the crazed killer and his gang of slimeballs. Her son back home, worried when she doesn't return, convinces the local sheriff to mount a rescue party.
- Richard Kughn - Executive Producer
- Ronnie Clemmer - Executive Producer
- Bill Pace - Executive Producer
- Robert Iscove - Producer
- Robert Iscove - Director
- Michael Norell - Writer
Production Company:
- David C. Thomas Prods. IAW Longbow
Production Type:
- Independent
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