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Savoring Paris

Savoring Paris

Air Date Rating Share Against the
Saturday, June 08, 2024 N/A
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day)
  • Season: 2023-2024
  • Network: Hallmark
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Category: Movies
  • Subject Matter: Romantic Comedy, Foreign/Exotic Location
  • Based On: Fromage A Trois written by Victoria Brownlee

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Plot Synopsis

Based on the book "Fromage A Trois" by Victoria Brownlee. Ella is a burned out exec at an American food chain who realizes the happiest time of her life was during a trip to Paris after college. Dreaming of the best cheese she ever had and ready to start fresh, Ella quits her job and jets off to the City of Lights to recapture that feeling and rejuvenate as she considers what's next. Free from a job that made her unhappy and away from her well-meaning mom who always urges her to make safe and practical life choices, Ella embraces her newfound joie de vivre. While there, Ella is swept into a social life courtesy of her charming landlord and new friend Clotilde and soon finds herself being courted by Clotilde's cousin Gaston, a dashing local. Meanwhile, Ella begins to forge a friendship -- or possibly more -- with Serge, the prickly proprietor of the local fromagerie as she navigates this new chapter in her life. But just as she decides what she wants in life -- and who she wants to be with -- cultural differences put those plans in question. *Partly filmed on location in Paris. **CREDITS: Executive Producers: Amanda Morgan Palmer, Samantha Sprecher: Director: Clare Niederpruem; Writer: Joie Botkin.

Production Company:

  • Hallmark Media

Production Type:

  • In-House
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